Chapter Two


The world is changed.

And, though it was once thought lost, magic has returned.

For the first time in more than five hundred years, the people of Moren Ezen will be tested. Tales of spirits—and worse, of aberrant creatures warped by wild magic—spread across the continents like wildfire. Distrust takes root in once tightly-knit communities. As winter's icy fingers slip over the face of the world, fear of each other and of a suddenly hostile environment poisons the minds of many. Once-gentle animals turn on their handlers. Wild animals grow bold, and cunning. Freak storms smash ships into kindling. A shepherd loses his entire flock after a whiteout in the desert, and a trader vanishes on a journey through the mountains, never to be heard from again. 

Stories of lost travelers are frequent. The roads are a danger to even the most experienced adventurer. Many of them fall into disuse. 

Clashes between magic-folk and the unafflicted become commonplace in a way not seen since the War, and the fall of the Old World. 

Though it is impossible to discover a mage merely by looking at them, a few individuals claim this skill-set for their own. Suspected mages are often ousted from their communities with nothing but the shirts on their backs. Entire families can be driven away when a child is discovered with the affliction. Many people see exile as a kindness. Others see it as a coward's choice, made by people too weak to do what needs to be done. 

Either way, the symptoms of mages have, finally, become too difficult to ignore.

Those that rely on trade goods feel the effects of nature's embargo most of all. Entire populations are forced to pack up and move when supplies do not (and will not) arrive. Hungry, frightened, dragging their chattel at their feet; refugees pour into the cities—but each day the line grows, and tempers flare at the slightest provocation.

As with all things, however, there are those who choose to support one another instead. A few settlements with known mages close their doors to outsiders, barring entry to everyone—even those who seek asylum.

People of Moren Ezen, you stand at the beginning! Can you chart a new course in this hostile world? Can you forge a path that will stand the test of time?

Main Objective

Magic has indeed returned, and the people of Moren Ezen now face an uncertain future. As the anomalies continue to spread throughout a world riven by animosity and fear, each must confront new challenges both daunting and extraordinary, learn to navigate the unfamiliar fragility of a people divided, and find their place amidst the confusion.

Throughout Chapter Two a series of events will take place, some blanketed across the continents and others contained to specific localities on the map, by which your character may be affected. To what capacity, and how they choose to respond, however, is entirely up to you.

Their path is yours to decide.

But beware...

The Guardians are watching.



Opening Story Revealed

First Main Prompt Revealed

Optional Tasks One & Two

Second Main Prompt Revealed

Optional Tasks Three & Four

Third Main Prompt Revealed

Optional Tasks Five & Six

Story Conclusion

Living Story Shop

Winners Revealed

January 22nd, 2022

February 5th, 2022

February 19th - March 19th, 2022

April 10th, 2022

April 23rd - May 22nd, 2022

May 29th, 2022

June 4th - July 16th, 2022 

September 11th, 2022

September 11th - October 2nd, 2022


How to Participate

There is NO pre-registration, but you must have an approved and uploaded Rider in order to participate. The Rider must be your own.

If you are a New Player and have yet to obtain your own horse, you may apply for one from the Adoption Centre. Alternatively you may borrow one of the Group Starter Horses. Please note the group to request a Starter Horse to use for the duration of the event.

No training or ranks are required to participate.

You may enter the event with all your riders, but they will each need their own separate entries to earn awards. You may depict other characters in your entries for story purposes.

Collaborations may have 2 participants contributing 1 Horse and Rider pair each.

All entries should have the following information in the artist comments:

Link to Rider Import:
Link to Horse Import:

Main Entry Requirements

Optional Extra Entry Requirements

Optional prompts follow all the above rules, except:

Optional entries may be completed at any time after they are revealed up until the end of the event, but they may only be rolled for Lootboxes within the given timeframe.


All participants will be able to qualify for Pathfinder, The Chosen Ones, Birds of a Feather and Tireless Traveler, based on completion.

Master Painter and Master Storyteller will be chosen by the Judges based on personal effort, accuracy to the story, attention to detail, and how moving or impactful your entries are.

The People's Choice will be voted on for effort, style, story and creativeness by the members via polling.



The path is yours to choose. Choose wisely.

Requirements: Complete all three main prompts.

Prizes: Badge + Large Stat Bundle + 150 Karma + Pre-Design Prize Raffle Ticket

The Chosen Ones

The journey won’t be easy, but you’re up to the challenge.

Requirements: Complete all three main prompts and all six optional objectives.

Prizes: Badge + Rare or Mutation Semi + 500 Karma

Birds of a Feather

United we stand, stronger.

Requirements: Collaborate all three main prompts with the same player.

Prizes: Badge + ‘Birds of a Feather’ exclusive Pre-Design Prize Raffle Ticket

Master Painter

Who created the most visually stunning imagery?

Requirements: Complete all three main prompts as Art Pieces. 

One Winner - Judge’s Choice.

Prizes: Badge + Black Market Semi + 500 Karma

Master Storyteller

Who brought the audience to their knees, or leaping with applause?

Requirements: Complete all three Main Prompts as Literary Pieces. 

One Winner - Judge’s Choice.

Prizes: Badge + Black Market Semi + 500 Karma

The People's Choice

Chosen by the public for effort, style, story and creativeness.

Requirements: Complete all three main prompts. 

One Winner - Public Vote.

Prizes: Badge  + Black Market Semi + 500 Karma

Tireless Traveler

Hard work pays off.

Requirements: Complete all three main prompts for a single rider as both literary and art pieces. 

Prizes: Badge + Black Market Semi + 1 Bundle of Choice + 500 Karma

Exclusive Companion: all participants will receive this exclusive companion, available only during the Living Story: Chapter Two.

Jackalope: Horse Companion -  Prevalent and highly adaptive, there are few places across the continents that these ground-dwelling leporids don’t readily inhabit. +2 EP Bonus whenever a Jackalope is depicted in an entry. Account bound.

Loot Box Contents

Completing the Optional Extras may drop a Loot Box with a chance of containing the following:

Bonus Item Bundle

Breeder's Bundle

Companion Bundle

Decorator's Bundle

Tack Bundle

Stat Token Bundle

Each Optional Extra also presents the chance to roll one of the following Prompt Exclusives, only obtainable through completing the prompt before it's deadline:

Prompt One Exclusive

Loot Box Ox

Prompt Two Exclusive

Mammoth Ivory Talisman

Prompt Three Exclusive

Old World Radio

Prompt Four Exclusive

Aslene Semi Custom

Prompt Five Exclusive

Gene Anomaly Token

Prompt Six Exclusive

Zahkena's Essence