You've traveled far, crossing the great plains and desert dunes of Aeslend to make it here, to Kestrana. White tents begin to peak over the endless waves of sand and guards watching as you enter the makeshift city, and you know you've arrived - the Desert Marketplace.

Snake oils, poisons and perfumes line tables in small glass vials, rare and exotic species are tied, caged and chained, old word artifacts are touted, the finest of pelts and cloth billow in the gentle breeze, and weapons are openly displayed. You push through the streets towards a large gathering, where finely bred horses are on display.

This is what you've come for.


To make a purchase send a note to the Moren Ezen group with the subject "Desert Marketplace Purchase" and use the following form:

Item(s) Wanted: item(s) you wish to purchase
Total USD: add up all the currency and write the total amount

Semi-Customs & Upgrades

Jibita Pony

Semi Custom

Haspar Draft

Semi Custom

Tatakh Mini

Semi Custom

​Purchases limited to 1 per month.

Common: $10

Common: $20

Common: $40

Uncommon: $25

Uncommon: $35

Uncommon: $65

Gene Upgrades

Applicable to any Semi Custom

Common: $10

Uncommon: $20

Desert Market Starter Slot Tokens

​Purchases limited to 4 total per month.

Starter slot breedings cannot fail.

Desert Market Jibita Slot Token: $5

Desert Market Haspar Slot Token: $10

Desert Market Tatakh Slot Token: $15


Yonten S 007

Tenzin S 008

Sirapi S 009

Oshin S 010

Yasmin S 012

Ozhai S 014

Zamira S 015

Chanai S 016

Kotyan S 017

Sarantuya S019

Buyantu S 020

Khutula S021

Akul S 034

Imbir S 035

Irves S 038

Kunjut S 041

Haspar Drafts

Esti S 029

Tlaloc S 030

Vigdis S 031

Hypogeous S 032

Tsatsakh S 033

Zagas 037

Zoolon S 043

Tatakh Minis

Tatakh Minis can only be bred with other Tatakh Minis

Tindr S 046

Bizon S 048

Turleg S 052

Khor S 054

Salkhi S 056

Durekh S 058

Temdeg S 059

Mamont S 061

Loot Boxes

x1 Price: $10 

x5 Price: $40

x10 Price: ​$80