The Kesh

Throughout your journey in the world of Moren Ezen you will gather items and currency to hoard, trade, or apply to your characters. The Kesh is the central banking hub for organizing and transferring your loot. You do NOT have to make a special request to create your Kesh account unless you are registering a clan account. Once you receive your first item or some game currency and redeem it, an account will be created for you by the Kesh admins if it does not already exist.

If you have any questions for admins to answer, please note the group or ask in our Discord questions channel.


  • Do not have conversations in the Kesh threads.

  • Always use the form provided in the featured comment for each section.

  • Do not post more than 5 links per comment.

  • You must have sufficient funds and items already in your Kesh account before transferring them to another user - do not link pending comments.

Review your Balance

You may look over your Kesh at any time using the links below. The Kesh is alphabetically ordered by the first letter of your DeviantArt username or Clan name.

If you need to change the name under which your kesh account was created, post HERE.

To register a Clan account, post HERE.

A-E | F-J | K-O | P-T | U-Z | 0-9


For storing items gained via group activities to your kesh account or exchanging them for currency. Requires a link to the admin comment proving the rewards are official. Please store items before attempting to transfer them to another user.

Redeem specialty activity rewards
Redeem raiding rewards
Redeem event rewards