Group Rules

As the group grows, these rules are subject to changes and additions. By participating in Moren Ezen, you automatically agree to these rules. All rules apply to the DeviantArt group and the Discord server.

Lore and Themes

  • Please respect the integrity of Moren Ezen by sticking to the lore and aesthetics.

  • Moren Ezen is a PG-13 game, meaning there will be mild adult themes. As a post-apocalyptic game, there will be historical discussion of war as well as darker themes from time to time. The world is very open culturally, and on one hand there will be peaceful trade villages, and on the other there will be lawless thieves and pillagers.

  • If you do something explicit in any way, you must add warnings or filters as needed. Submissions should adhere to DeviantArt's rules (no sexual content).

  • We use a lot of inspiration from multiple cultures, be respectful in your depictions.


  • The rider import template may not be uploaded to or used anywhere except @RidersofME.

  • The horse import templates and linearts may not be uploaded to or used anywhere except @HerdsofME.

  • All flora, fauna, genetics, world map, gameplay mechanics that were created specifically for Moren Ezen may not be used outside of Moren Ezen in any way.


  • While darker themes are allowed, within PG-13 standards, player consent is extremely important. Make sure you discuss what you and your RP partners are comfortable exploring beforehand, and absolutely no God modding will be tolerated. RP with darker themes should be kept private.

  • Be polite to each other, even in competitive areas such as events and raids.

  • Be polite to your admins, we are volunteers who are taking our own time to manage this game for you, please be understanding with us if we ask you to edit your design or remove a few incorrect EP scores.

  • This is a safe place, be respectful. Any signs of phobic, insensitive, or offensive themes in your communications or work will result in warnings or bans depending on severity.

  • No defaming other players or staff.

Group Gallery Submissions

  • Tag and filter and put warnings on your work as applicable.

  • Only submit Moren Ezen art to the group gallery, and please submit it to the correct folder.

  • Advertising in Moren Ezen is a feature available so our members can buy, sell and trade their characters and art. ME is not an advertisement group, and those found to be abusing our system for free advertisement will have their works declined.

  • YHHs (Your Horse Here) and similar advertisements should be geared towards Moren Ezen themes and can only be submitted by active group members - no general advertising. Members who are found using this group for advertisement but don't participate or plan to may be declined. YHHs will be requested to specify that it can work with Moren Ezen.

Echelon Points

  • EP cannot be transferred between characters.

  • You cannot buy or sell EP.

  • It’s the player’s responsibility to track their characters’ EP neatly and correctly. If your tracker is incorrect admins reserve the right to ask you to edit it. Please do not be rude to admins who ask you to fix any issues.

  • Moren Ezen is a closed world with it's own unique flora and fauna. Images with outside creatures won't count for Echelon Points.

Character Ownership

  • You can only use, trade, and sell stuff with your own characters and purchased items. Any transfers need to be completed and approved officially to be usable.

  • The number of riders a player has is limited. Each player begins with two slots. New slots may be earned through gameplay and special events. If a player sells a character, they may refill that slot with a new character.

  • Players are responsible for tracking their own horses’ breeding slots. Overselling of slots can result in a breeding suspension or upgraded to a ban if repeated. Some examples of overselling would be when you don’t have the inspection image finished, or selling slots to a horse than has none remaining .

  • You may not offer, sell or trade slots to horses that are not currently breedable unless the slot is being offered for designing that horse or for doing that horse’s inspection image. (The design for slots option is a privilege, if we find people selling slots and not following through, this option will be revoked.)

  • Co-owning items, riders, and horses is not allowed, however you can sell and trade the items or characters. Leasing is also not allowed, this includes offering to pay for activity rolls with items rolled from the owed work.

  • Please be responsible in trade/sale etiquette. Buyers should be made aware of any pending slots or deals before they purchase or trade for the horse or rider.

  • Do not harass or solicit players for their riders or horses. No begging and guilt tripping.

  • Anything you sell (items, riders, horses, slots, etc.) must have proof of ownership - this includes being listed on the Kesh, RidersofME, HerdsofME, admin comments, etc.

Tracing and Photomanipulating

  • Tracing is allowed within ME under certain guidelines. Images traced must still show clear effort for the artist's level. You may not simply trace a stock photo and throw some colour on it. We believe tracing, especially skeletal tracing, can be a great tool to help artists learn form and muscle memory, but we don't recommend relying on tracing alone. Alterations, pose edits and character customization all help well-traced work to have more depth. Moren Ezen encourages artistic growth and development, so while we allow tracing, we urge to you add your own style and character to each piece.

  • Photomanipulated and photobashed works are allowed, so long as they are painted over and heavily edited. Photomanipulated backgrounds should include multiple images tied together into a new scene. Photomanipulated horses and humans must have overlay painting done. Simple reposes, horses with only mane and tail edits, images that appear collaged or pieced together, or pieces that still appear very photo-like will be denied.

  • When tracing or maniping, it must be listed in the artist description. We understand that tracing and manips can each take a lot of effort, but we also understand the importance of giving credit where credit is due. ALL artworks that are traced or manipulated MUST have their credits listed and MUST come from stock photos. We understand that for photobashing, many resources do not require credit to be given. In this case, you must at least list on your work that it is manipulated/photobashed from open sources.

  • Please respect copyright. Works found to be tracing/maniping from non-stock-sources will be removed from the gallery.

  • If you are found to be tracing/maniping without credit, we will ask you to list credits. If credits are not added within a reasonable time frame, we will remove the work from ME's gallery. Works known to be traced/manipulateded without credit prior to submission to the group or for credit towards rank, training or specialty rolls will be asked to provide credit before they can be rolled.


  • Horses need to have a training image completed before entering for any specialities, this includes Horse Husbandry (Breeding).

  • Official sales will always be made in USD and through paypal. There are no refunds.

Warnings And Bans

  • Minor offenses (guilt tripping, uncredited work, etc.) will result in a warning, repeated offenses will be upgraded to a strike. Warnings will be removed if discontinued after five months.

  • Major offenses (stolen work, overselling, etc.) will result in a strike.

  • Three strikes results in a ban.

  • Anything considered detrimental and harmful to the community will likely result in an immediate ban. This includes but is not limited to harassing multiple members, continuous drama, and thefts of characters.

  • All warnings and bans depend on the offense, some severe cases may skip to harsher punishments if admins feel like it is necessary.