The Sanctuary

The Sanctuary is a safe haven for equines, found on the edges of the Lat Salok settlement. Here, horses can be given the chance of a new home or find permanent placement in the Sanctuary’s resident herd. As the Sanctuary has grown, the volunteers now also keep an eye on the wild herds and will send riders out to capture horses in need of help.

Home to an ever growing and changing group of surrendered weanlings, rescues, and captured wild horses, the Adoption Centre offers every visitor the chance to adopt a horse to take home, whether it’s their first Moren Ezen equine or a late addition to their herd. 

Functioning as the headquarters for the widespread team who keep watch over the feral herds across Moren Ezen, the A&O Centre offers knowledge on the horses that live wild or have escaped captivity to join them. Visitors can find out where they may come across the herds for a chance to capture one for themselves.