Eye, Skin and Hoof Colours

Eye, hoof and skin colours in horses are determined by genetics. Each colour and marking guide states any specific affects they have on eye or skin colour.

Eye colours should be natural, according to their base coat, meaning no purple, bright red or neon/rainbow colours. Blind eyes should have pale, clouded silvery or blue look. Pupils should be distinctly lighter than the iris. Tobiano, splash, overo, sabino, marbled, tsasan and unatsi can cause blue eyes regardless of the white touching the edge of the eyes. 

Hoof colours should be dark black, grey or a slightly saturated brown/beige colour, unless there is white or a modifier present. In the case of white and very pale coats, hoof colour may be a light grey or cream colour, but may also remain dark if you choose. Hooves may be striped or split in colour only where white touches. Pale colour may only result from direct contact of white colour, but areas of white may have darker streaks.

Appaloosa and Silver may cause unusual hoof striping that does not coordinate with the placement of white markings. 

Hoof, eyes, mane and tail follow the same rules when it comes to nuances. Slight nuances are allowed, but heavy texturing or variance isn’t allowed. 

Hoof Colour Examples

Skin colour should be a natural dark grey or black on dark coats, and a soft, natural pink where white, dominant cream, champagne, or white markings are present. Champagne skin should always be mottled. Skin colour does not need to show, or can be very subtle.

White markings that can cause pink skin:



Marbled (White Layer Only)

Natural White







​Eye and Skin Colour Examples

Pink skin should only be present when white marks or a modifier allow. Pink should be natural and not too saturated. Black and grey skin should be desaturated.


Heterochromia (split eye colours) is allowed only when a white marking crosses the eye. This means the eye will be it's base colour, with a blue split. It will always be a base x blue combination, and never when white isn't present.


You may customize the shape of the eye, but it should look natural and any white showing should be minimal. Excessive white, oddly shaped pupils or pupils that are overly skewed will be rejected.