Hunting Items

Rider Gear

Flintlock Rifle

Redeem Value: 2,000 Valyut

Description: Reduces an unspecialised rider's hunt failure to 25%. Provides a specialised hunter a 20% chance to bring back an additional item on any hunt.

How to Acquire: Purchase in the Bazaar, Lootbox, Small chance to be found in specialties.

Weak Trap

Redeem Value: 1,000 Valyut

Description: Must be applied to a rider with hunting as a chosen specialty. 20% chance to bring back an additional item when hunting small animals.

How to Acquire: Purchase in the Bazaar, Lootbox, Small chance to be found in specialties.

Sturdy Trap

Redeem Value: 1,000 Valyut

Description: Must be applied to a rider with hunting as a chosen specialty. 20% chance to bring back an additional item when hunting medium animals.

How to Acquire: Purchase in the Bazaar, Lootbox, Small chance to be found in specialties.

Bow And Arrows

Redeem Value: 1,000 Valyut

Description: Must be applied to a rider with hunting as a chosen specialty. 20% chance to bring back an additional item when hunting large animals.

How to Acquire: Purchase in the Bazaar, Lootbox, Small chance to be found in specialties.

One Time Use


Redeem Value: 100 Valyut

Description: Can only be used by a rider with hunting as a chosen specialty. 20% chance to roll an additional hunt result. One Time Use.

How to Acquire: Purchase in the Bazaar, Lootbox, Small chance to be found in specialties.

Bird Call

Redeem Value: 50 Valyut

Description: Can only be used by a rider with hunting as a chosen specialty. Guaranteed to return 1 bird pelt on any hunt. One Time Use.

How to Acquire: Purchase in the Bazaar, Lootbox, Small chance to be found in specialties.

Cervidae Call

Redeem Value: 50 Valyut

Description: Can only be used by a rider with hunting as a chosen specialty. Guaranteed to return 1 set of antlers on any hunt. One Time Use.

How to Acquire: Purchase in the Bazaar, Lootbox, Small chance to be found in specialties.

Riders Companions


Redeem Value: 3,500 Valyut

Description: Rider Companion. 15% chance to bring back a rider item in any hunting attempt.

How to Acquire: Purchase in the Bazaar, Lootbox, Small chance to be found in specialties.


Redeem Value: 3,500 Valyut

Description: Rider Companion. 15% chance to bring back large prey items in any hunt.

How to Acquire: Purchase in the Bazaar, Lootbox, Small chance to be found in specialties.

Golden Eagle

Redeem Value: 3,500 Valyut

Description: Rider Companion. 15% chance to bring up to 3 additional small prey items in any hunting.

How to Acquire: Purchase in the Bazaar, Lootbox, Small chance to be found in specialties.

Horse Companions


Redeem Value: 3,500 Valyut

Description: Horse Companion. 15% chance to bring back a consumable item in any hunting attempt.

How to Acquire: Purchase in the Bazaar, Lootbox, Small chance to be found in specialties.


Redeem Value: 3,500 Valyut

Description: Horse Companion. 15% chance to bring back up to 3 additional trash items in any hunting attempt.

How to Acquire: Purchase in the Bazaar, Lootbox, Small chance to be found in specialties.

Hunting Loot

All Items below can be found in Hunting, and Lootboxes.

All underlined items can also be located with a Blood Parrot companion

Oryx Horns

Redeem Value: 125 Valyut

Mammoth Tusks

Redeem Value: 250 Valyut

Moose Antlers

Redeem Value: 125 Valyut

Caribou Antlers

Redeem Value: 125 Valyut

Deer Antlers

Redeem Value: 125 Valyut

Medium Feathers

Redeem Value: 80 Valyut

Large Feathers

Redeem Value: 150 Valyut

Tortoise Shell

Redeem Value: 100 Valyut

Large Tanned Hide

Redeem Value: 150 Valyut

Saber Cat Pelt

Redeem Value: 250 Valyut

Medium Damaged Pelt

Redeem Value: 65 Valyut

Medium Soft Pelt

Redeem Value: 80 Valyut

Giraffe Pelt

Redeem Value: 250 Valyut

Shiny Scales

Redeem Value: 80 Valyut

Large Scales

Redeem Value: 150 Valyut

Tanned Hide

Redeem Value: 80 Valyut

Gazelle Pelt

Redeem Value: 100 Valyut

Coyote Pelt

Redeem Value: 100 Valyut

Lynx Pelt

Redeem Value: 100 Valyut

Wolf Pelt

Redeem Value: 100 Valyut


Redeem Value: 65 Valyut

Turtle Shell

Redeem Value: 50 Valyut

Chinchilla Pelt

Redeem Value: 50 Valyut

Small Scales

Redeem Value: 50 Valyut

Fox Pelt

Redeem Value: 50 Valyut

Squirrel Pelt

Redeem Value: 50 Valyut


Redeem Value: 50 Valyut

Skunk Pelt

Redeem Value: 50 Valyut

Rabbit Pelt

Redeem Value: 50 Valyut

Small Soft Fur

Redeem Value: 25 Valyut

Small Claws

Redeem Value: 15 Valyut

Small Teeth

Redeem Value: 15 Valyut

Small Damaged Fur

Redeem Value: 15 Valyut

Raptor Claws

Redeem Value: 250 Valyut

Large Piece of Meat

Redeem Value: 125 Valyut

Medium Piece of Meat

Redeem Value: 65 Valyut

Small Piece of Meat

Redeem Value: 15 Valyut


Redeem Value: 125 Valyut

Large Claws

Redeem Value: 125 Valyut


Redeem Value: 65 Valyut

Small Piece of Leather

Redeem Value: 25 Valyut

Large Quality Pelt

Redeem Value: 150 Valyut

Large Damaged Pelt

Redeem Value: 125 Valyut

Small Feathers

Redeem Value: 25 Valyut

Owl Pelt

Redeem Value: 50 Valyut

Albatross Pelt

Redeem Value: 100 Valyut

Ptarmigan Pelt

Redeem Value: 50 Valyut

Quail Pelt

Redeem Value: 25 Valyut

Sea Eagle Pelt

Redeem Value: 100 Valyut