There is no more magic, they say. It grew sick, and virulent; a great weariness swept the land, and everything began to die. They say, then, it perished, along with the rest of the world, many hundreds of years ago. There has been no sign of it since.

Most people blame their predecessors for this misfortune, for riling the Guardian’s ire with their greed, their arrogance and ignorance. Others blame the Guardians themselves, for allowing humanity to stray as they had into depravity. Regardless, without the ability to wield magic, there was little to be achieved against such devastation.

It is known, now, as the Cataclysm - the beginning of the end of the Old World.

Over time the Guardians reclaimed all that the people of the Old World had taken, and returned it to the earth. Those that survived moved on, away from the crumbling remnants of their once magnificent cities, and back into the wilds of this New World to begin anew.

Without magic.

Yet there are whispers, rumors, and the voices of the Elders grow ever uncertain. Strange anomalies have arisen, and ripples have begun to form in the still waters of amity. They say it began in Apora, in the night skies above Guardians Watch - great, circuitous lights of blue and green winding and withering like colossal serpents appeared against the blackness, blanketing the world below in an otherworldly glow that crept deep into the veins of the earth to reignite the ruins of the Old World.

Next the skies began to fall, rolling grey and violent from across the sea; mighty storms engulfed the continents of Moren Ezen from coast-to-coast. Safe harbors frothed white, gnashing jaws of seething ocean dragging many a fishing vessel to their watery tomb. Valleys turned to lakes, mountains began to slide, and even the red desert sands of the Wastes became soft and malleable under foot.


Discover evidence of magic - something that will convince your character, beyond a shadow of doubt, that magic has indeed returned. This may come about purely by accident, or as the result of active investigation into the phenomenons. Characters will choose one of three story paths to follow and over the course of the chapter, complete the three prompts within their path. There will also be optional objectives available during the chapter that will provide the chance for loot boxes.


Opening Story Revealed

Path Stories Revealed

Optional Task One

First Path Prompts

Optional Task Two

Second Path Prompts

Optional Task Three

Third Path Prompts

Story Conclusion

Winners Revealed

May 1st 2018

May 15th 2018

June 1st-July 1st 2018

June 15th 2018

July 1st-August 1st 2018

July 15th 2018

August 1st-Sept 1st 2018

August 15th 2018

Sept 15th 2018

Sept 30th 2018



Every journey begins with a single step.

Requirements: Must have all three chosen path prompts completed and submitted by the deadline.

The Chosen Ones

It seems this path was your destiny.

Requirements: Complete all three prompts in your chosen path and all the bonus objectives.

Story Teller

Who brought the audience to their knees, or leaping with applause?

Requirements: Complete all required prompts in a single path

Master Painter

Who created the most visually stunning imagery?

Requirements: Complete all required prompts in a single path

Birds of a Feather

It's dangerous to go alone!

Requirements: Collab all three main prompts with the same players.

The People's Choice

Chosen by the public for effort, style, story and creativeness.

Requirements: Complete all required prompts in a single path

The Chosen Ones

It’s impossible to be in two places at one time...

Requirements: Complete a 2nd Set of Prompts

In addition, all participants will receive this exclusive companion, only available during Chapter One: Beginnings.