Echelon Rank System


The Moren Ezen Echelon system is a way for players to advance their characters through gameplay by earning Echelon Points (EP). Through this system, both horse and rider will be able to rank up and earn rewards by participating in activities like specialties, the living story, completing magic prompts, and working on your character's personal story.

Both horses and riders can advance through Echelon ranks, which is basically their level of overall training. Higher ranks earn riders more success in their chosen specialties, the ability to breed more foals per month, and eventually earn you, the player, an additional rider character slot. Horses advance ranks to earn the ability to be trained in more specialties, fewer health risks during breeding, and eventually unlimited breeding slots. You can see the specific bonuses for each rank further below.

Unlike horses, riders can participate in every specialty with no training even if they haven’t chosen that job as their primary or secondary specialty - however, as an untrained rider, they face a significant chance of failure which will result in no reward for their hard work, so it’s best to work on advancing your rider up a couple of Echelon ranks before entering them in specialty rolls.

Advancing through the ranks is done by merely completing artwork of your character. Each piece of artwork is scored with Echelon Points according to our Echelon Rank System and should be recorded by their owner on their tracker. Once the character hits certain milestones (50EP, 100EP, etc.) they will be eligible for advancement upon admin approval.

Echelon Points need to be logged and tallied in an EP Tracker. Should the rank admins have difficulty confirming your total, you may be asked to change your layout. Points may be gathered in journals,, a deviation, weebly pages, google docs or sheets, etc. so long as there is a link provided to the original work.

When your rider or horse has reached the amount of Echelon Points required for their next rank, reply HERE with the following form and await an admin’s review:

Link to Rider or Horse Reference:
Link to Rider or Horse Point Log:
Proof of Last Rank: (Link to admin comment)
Rank: (Rank you are attempting)

Echelon System


Full Body | 2 EP


Partial Body / Headshot | 1 EP

Coloured | +2 EP

Shading | +3 EP

Simple/Gradient Background (Has at least 3 elements) | +1 EP


Detailed Background (Has shading, detail and depth) | +2 EP


100 Words = 1 EP 

This counts towards both stand alone stories and stories added to images.


Minor Animation (blink, tail swish, ear twitch) | + 2 EP


Major Animation (major movement of body and limbs) | + 5 EP

Additional Bonuses

Self Artwork / Literature | +1 EP


Collaboration Bonus | +2 EP

Horse and Rider Both Depicted | +2 EP

Only one of the following can be applied to an image or literature piece, they do not stack:

Training Images | +1 EP (for the mount only)

Official Events | +2 EP

Living Story | +2 EP

Specialty Entries | +2 EP

Magic Prompts | +4 EP (for the rider only)

Specialty Prompts | +4 EP

Chibis or over simplified images and images under 300 x 300 pixels will earn half points.

All art should be original. Re-colours, bases and use of linearts will not count for points. 

AU images, or images that do not fit in the Moren Ezen setting/world, will not count for points.

Art done of riders under the effect of Beserker or other shape-shifting magic will count for EP, however they cannot be rolled for specialty entries/prompts, living story, or other events and thus will not earn the bonuses if attempted in those images. The exception to this is use of the hyena companion, which allows for a shifted handler to be shown in certain specialty entries.

Rank Titles and Awards


Untrained | 0 EP
- 75% failure rate in all specialties.

Initiate | 50 EP
- 25% failure rate in Rider's chosen specialties.

Rookie | 100 Points EP
- 0% failure rate in Rider's chosen specialties.

Novice | 200 Points EP
- Provides +3 EP bonus to other riders in the image.

Journeyman | 300 EP
- Riders may now register a Brand with the group.

Specialty Bonus:
- May use two horses per rider in farming, fishing, herding, hunting and scouting (in their chosen specialties).
- Horse Husbandry may submit a total of 4 breedings per month (if it is their chosen specialty).
- Racing may have an additional horse and rider pair depicted per image for a total of 4 pairs (if it is their chosen specialty).

Expert | 400 EP
- Rider may choose a 3rd specialty.
- Rider gains an extra companion slot .

Master | 500 EP
- Player unlocks an additional character slot.


Feral | 0 EP
- May only be trained in up to two specialties.

Companion | 50 EP
- May be trained in all specialties.

Adept | 100 Points EP
- May roll for twins with health risks (e.g. must use fertility supplements).
- +5 to stat of owners choice.

Tried and True | 200 Points EP
- Provides a +3 EP bonus to other horses depicted in the image.

Veteran | 300 EP
- May roll for twins with no health risks.
- +5 to stat of owners choice.

Legendary | 400 EP
- Jibitas and Haspars unlock a Jibita or Haspar rare semi custom.

- Tatakhs unlock a Tatakh rare semi custom.
- Mount gains an extra companion slot.

Longma | 500 EP
- Unlimited breeding slots for Jibitas and Haspars.

- +10 breeding slots for Tatakh Mini's

- +5 to all Stats.