Rider Design Guide

The people of Moren Ezen differ widely in appearance and nature, but they are all very much the products of their environment. Although you are allowed a great deal of creative liberty in designing your character, you should keep in mind the details within this guide to ensure that your rider fits in with the lore and aesthetic of Moren Ezen.

Rules and Regulations

Lore and Aesthetics

Rider Application Template

Please click on the image and you'll be sent to a DeviantArt sta.sh link where you can find the properly formatted information as well as the option to download the template. Sta.sh should copy the formatting for you if you copy it into your own sta.sh.

Make sure to delete all information written in brackets. Please also double-check the formatting, e.g. what should be bold. If this doesn't match the template, you will be asked to change it before the approval process can continue. 

Do NOT submit this template to your personal gallery. Once completed, it should be submitted to RidersOfME via the Rider Design Approval Thread.

Ready to submit your rider? Click HERE
