Moren Ezen is a vast world with much to offer its players. With a variety of ARPG elements such as breeding, activities and events, Moren Ezen has something for everyone to enjoy - no matter if you are brand new to RPG gameplay or an experienced RPGer.

Aside from typical ARPG elements, Moren Ezen also offers a constant, evolving story line that players can participate in to unlock achievements, stats, awards and new game content. For more information, please visit the Living Story


Where Moren Ezen differs from most ARPGs is that it is centralized around a human character and the horses they choose to train and breed. Players will be able to have up to two human characters when they first start out, with the ability to unlock more slots through achievements. Should you sell a character, no worries, you can refill that slot with a new one! If you aren't comfortable drawing humans, never fear - Moren Ezen is a literature friendly game!

So how does it work?

Human characters will have to train up and gain experience in their field before they can become master horsemen. Whether it be breeding, farming, fishing, herding, hunting, racing or scouting, a horse is only as good as its rider! Each rider will unlock the ability to participate in specific activities and train their horses accordingly.


To begin playing, all you need to do is create a reference for your rider that fits the rider guidelines onto the template. Once created, you must submit your rider for approval and it will be submitted to the RidersOfME account on DeviantArt. Keep in mind that Specialties cannot be changed once your rider's import is uploaded to the RidersOfME account so make sure you are happy with your choice. Alternatively, you can always leave them blank on the template and decide later on.  

Your rider will need a mount in order to participate in every activity the world has to offer! Two breeds of horses, the Jibita and the Haspar, are currently available in the game. You can find out how to obtain one of these animals further down this page. However, if you are still working on your rider design, don't worry! You can start looking for a mount even if your rider is not approved yet.


Your rider's reference on the RidersOfME will log your human's skills, stats and items. The players themselves should create a tracker to log art and literature of their characters which will be necessary for leveling up. Every player may track additional info like the rider's horses, a more detailed backstory or more.

Each horse will also need to have a tracker, as a place for a player to keep all their art and literature, breeding slots and stats organized. While breedings, achievements and stats will be logged on a horses reference over at HerdsofME, players are responsible for tracking their own written breeding slots and overselling will result in a warning. 

Tracker examples here:


Moren Ezen is mostly based on storytelling and your rider's personal journey. Participating in activities earns them items that can help you, the player, navigate the gameplay easier. The more you participate, the more points you will earn (see Echelon Rank System) which will also unlock certain benefits for your characters.

Rider Specialties are activities in which riders can specialise in, starting as novices and working their way up through the ranks to become masters in their field. Every specialty requires a combined effort of horse and rider, each earning benefits through experience. Riders earn ranks, items and bonuses, while horses can earn stats that increase their success in the living story and game events.

Every rider may specialise in up to two fields when they start out, choosing between Farming, Fishing, Herding, Horse Husbandry (Breeding), Hunting, Scouting and Steppe Racing. Participation in all specialties is allowed, but untrained riders will face higher risks of failing any attempts in a specialty.

Echelon Ranks

Information about ranking up using the Echelon Rank System can be found HERE.


Having gone through the rider creation steps, you are probably looking to acquire your first horse or, if you are not a new player, you might be looking to expand your herd. Below are some options of how you might go about getting your hands on a Haspar or Jibita. 


If you have just joined Moren Ezen and have yet to aquire your first geno or import, and do not have one being transferred to your name from another player, you may adopt a horse from the Adoption Center.


To breed for a geno, you must first must have an uploaded rider. Then you must acquire slots to inspected horses by either trading for them from other players (see advertisements folder in our gallery or the ‘selling’ channel in our Discord server), or purchase Starter slots from the group.

Please be aware that riders not trained in Horse Husbandry run a high risk of rolling a failed breeding - more information on breeding player horses can be found on the Horse Husbandry and Echelon Rank pages. To guarantee a 100 % successful breeding your rider must either be of a Rookie rank with one of their chosen specialties being Horse Husbandry or use one or two slots from Starter horses which can be bought in the Desert Marketplace. You will subsequently receive a geno that you can design after having a look at the Genetic Guides. Slots to Starter horses with rarer genes or longer genotypes can be found in the Black Market which opens randomly throughout the year.


Just like starter slots, semi-customs may be purchased in the Desert Marketplace. You may choose from different rarities depending on what you are looking for and have a look at the Genetic Guides to see what you are able to create with the given number of genes. It is also possible to upgrade a semi-custom that you have with upgrades sold in the same place. Rarer semi-customs and gene upgrades are available in the Black Market which opens randomly throughout the year.


Oftentimes, players might be looking to sell or exchange their imports or genos and we recommend browsing through the Advertisements gallery in the group or the ‘selling’ channel in our discord server. Before proceeding, familiarise yourself with the ownership section of the group’s rules.