Fishing Items

Rider Gear

Waterproof Boots

Redeem Value: 2,000 Valyut

Description: Reduces an unspecialised rider's fishing failure to 50%. Provides a specialised fisher a 20% chance to bring back an additional item on any fishing attempt.

How to Acquire: Purchase in the Bazaar, Lootbox, Small chance to be found in specialties.

Woven Trap

Redeem Value: 1,000 Valyut

Description: Must be applied to a rider with fishing as a chosen specialty. 20% chance to bring back an additional item when retrieving small fish.

How to Acquire: Purchase in the Bazaar, Lootbox, Small chance to be found in specialties.

Simple Fishing Net

Redeem Value: 1,000 Valyut

Description: Must be applied to a rider with fishing as a chosen specialty. 20% chance to bring back an additional item when retrieving medium fish.

How to Acquire: Purchase in the Bazaar, Lootbox, Small chance to be found in specialties.

Strong Fishing Nets

Redeem Value: 1,000 Valyut

Description: Must be applied to a rider with fishing as a chosen specialty. 20% chance to bring back an additional item when retrieving large fish.

How to Acquire: Purchase in the Bazaar, Lootbox, Small chance to be found in specialties.

One Time Use

Fish Bait

Redeem Value: 100 Valyut

Description: Can only be used by a rider with fishing as a chosen specialty. 20% chance to roll an additional fishing result. One Time Use.

How to Acquire: Purchase in the Bazaar, Lootbox, Small chance to be found in specialties.


Redeem Value: 100 Valyut

Description: Can only be used by a rider with fishing as a chosen specialty. Guaranteed to return 1 whale.

How to Acquire: Purchase in the Bazaar, Lootbox, Small chance to be found in specialties.

Sink Bait

Redeem Value: 50 Valyut

Description: Can only be used by a rider with fishing as a chosen specialty. Guaranteed to return 1 fish or shark. One Time Use.

How to Acquire: Purchase in the Bazaar, Lootbox, Small chance to be found in specialties.

Riders Companions

Blue Crab

Redeem Value: 3,500 Valyut

Description: Rider Companion. 15% chance to bring back a rider item in any fishing attempt.

How to Acquire: Purchase in the Bazaar, Lootbox, Small chance to be found in specialties.


Redeem Value: 3,500 Valyut

Description: Rider Companion. 15% chance to bring back large prey items in any fishing attempt.

How to Acquire: Purchase in the Bazaar, Lootbox, Small chance to be found in specialties.


Redeem Value: 3,500 Valyut

Description: Rider Companion. 15% chance to bring up to 3 additional small prey items in any fishing attempt.

How to Acquire: Purchase in the Bazaar, Lootbox, Small chance to be found in specialties.

Horse Companions


Redeem Value: 3,500 Valyut

Description: Horse Companion. 15% chance to bring back a consumable item in any fishing attempt.

How to Acquire: Purchase in the Bazaar, Lootbox, Small chance to be found in specialties.


Redeem Value: 3,500 Valyut

Description: Horse Companion. 15% chance to bring back up to 3 additional trash items in any fishing attempt.

How to Acquire: Purchase in the Bazaar, Lootbox, Small chance to be found in specialties.

Fishing Loot

All Items below can be found in Fishing, and Lootboxes.


Redeem Value: 250 Valyut

Red Snapper

Redeem Value: 100 Valyut


Redeem Value: 100 Valyut


Redeem Value: 100 Valyut

Narhwal Horn

Redeem Value: 125 Valyut

Shark Jaw

Redeem Value: 150 Valyut

Sailfish Fin

Redeem Value: 65 Valyut

Treasure Chest

Redeem Value: 200 Valyut


Redeem Value: 80 Valyut

Conch Shell

Redeem Value: 25 Valyut

Beluga Whale

Redeem Value: 250 Valyut

Shark Teeth

Redeem Value: 80 Valyut

Sea Urchin

Redeem Value: 80 Valyut

Old Plastic Bin

Redeem Value: 65 Valyut

Mahi Mahi

Redeem Value: 100 Valyut

Killer Whale

Redeem Value: 250 Valyut

Mako Shark

Redeem Value: 150 Valyut

Ens Gulf Shark

Redeem Value: 150 Valyut

Blue Whale

Redeem Value: 250 Valyut

Sharp Spines

Redeem Value: 65 Valyut

Seal Pelt

Redeem Value: 125 Valyut


Redeem Value: 125 Valyut


Redeem Value: 125 Valyut

Whale Blubber

Redeem Value: 125 Valyut

Moon Jellies

Redeem Value: 50 Valyut

Tangled Fishing Line

Redeem Value: 15 Valyut


Redeem Value: 50 Valyut


Redeem Value: 50 Valyut


Redeem Value: 25 Valyut


Redeem Value: 25 Valyut


Redeem Value: 25 Valyut


Redeem Value: 25 Valyut

Broken Shells

Redeem Value: 15 Valyut