Moren Ezen

Let your adventure begin....

Moren Ezen is an ARPG set in a post apocalyptic world, where humans work to survive alongside their valued horses. ​Hosted on DeviantArt, Moren Ezen allows players to develop human characters and their horses in a variety of activities, from participating in specialty career choices, to special holiday events, to our always evolving living story.

Get your rider started in

Grow with the

Explore Moren Ezen's


Specialties are career choices your rider can partake in, ranging from horse husbandry, to racing, hunting, herding, fishing and farming.

Living Story

An ever evolving story, Moren Ezen's tale continues to grow through participation of it's members.


With it's own unique culture, lore and map, Moren Ezen offers players a structured, but rich environment.

As a closed world, Moren Ezen is rich with content for players to explore and draw inspiration from.