
Before contuinuing with Specialties, make sure your rider's mount is trained.
If it is not, please head on over to Training if you want to read up on the requirements.

Specialty Entry Requirements

Specialty entries may be combined with other specialty entries (e.g. one character may be participating in Hunting and another in Scouting). Each specialty must be clearly visible and identifiable for each rider. Listing each rider's task in the deviation comments is required.

Specialty images cannot combine with Training images.

 To submit a specialty entry, comment HERE with the following form:

Link to Rider Import:
Link to Horse Import:

Specialty: (Farming, Fishing, Herding, Hunting, or Scouting) 

Prey Depicted: (if Hunting or Fishing mention the prey depicted in the entry, you can find prey types on the Hunting and Fishing specialty pages.)
Link to Entry:

To submit a steppe racing entry, comment in the respective thread HERE with the following form:

Link to Rider Import:
Link to Horse Import:
Link to Entry:

Prompt Requirements

To submit a prompt entry, comment HERE with the following form:

Link to Rider Import:
Link to Horse Import:
Link to Entry:
Specialty: Specialty this prompt is for
Prompt: Full prompt description