Design Approvals


Rider Design Approvals

To have your rider application reviewed for the first time, please submit it HERE with the following form:

Link to the design: link the file here
Link to slot proof: if you already have two riders uploaded, link to the admin comment confirming your earnt additional rider slots (otherwise write "N/A")

Rider Corrections

If an admin has commented on your application with necessary edits, please complete the outlined steps and then submit it HERE to be reviewed again with the following form:

Link to the updated design: link the file here
Link to slot proof: if you already have two riders uploaded, link to the admin comment confirming your earnt additional rider slots (otherwise write "N/A")
Link to previous attempts: link all previous attempts from your

Rider Import Art Updates

A rider's art may be changed to update it to a new art style, to add their belongings to the item section, to include a pet they've gained, or if their appearance has changed such as new scarring, a new clothing style, etc. The Rider should still be clearly identifiable and not have changed in an unrealistic way, and must still fit the rules outlined in the Rider Design Guide.

To update your rider's import art submit it HERE to be reviewed with the following form:

Link to the original import: link the import deviation here
Link to the new import: link the file here

Rider Information Updates

Your rider's name, personality, and history may be changed or updated here as long as it fits the rules outlined in the Rider Design Guide. You can declare a maximum of 2 specialties for your rider if you haven't done so already. You may also transfer your rider to another player or label your rider as deceased. Please use caution when making this decision! It cannot be reversed, and will remove your rider from Moren Ezen.

Only 1 character may be updated per comment.

To update your rider's import information submit it HERE with the following form:

Link to the import: link the import deviation here

Information updating: ownership, name, etc.


Mount Design Approvals

To have your mount's design reviewed for the first time, please submit it HERE with the following form:

Link to the design: link the file here
Proof of ownership: link the comment that officially gives you ownership of the genotype, or if you’re using a semi custom indicate that it is stored in your Kesh

Mount Design Approval with Items

If you own import modification items such as scar packs, hand paints, or decorative items and wish to use them on an unapproved design, please submit it HERE with the following form:

Link to the design: link the file here
Proof of ownership: link the comment that officially gives you ownership of the genotype, or if you’re using a semi custom indicate that it is stored in your Kesh
Proof of item: in your Kesh, on a premade event horse, etc.

(The items you list MUST be already purchased and stored in your Kesh - requests with items you do not own will be declined.)

Mount Design Corrections

If an admin has commented on your application with necessary edits, please complete the outlined steps and then submit it HERE to be reviewed again with the following form:

Link to the updated design: link the file here
Link to slot proof: link the comment that officially gives you ownership of the genotype, or if you’re using a semi custom indicate that it is stored in your Kesh
Link to previous attempts: link all previous attempts from your

Apply / Remove Items to an Existing Mount Import

To apply import modification items such as scar packs, hand paints, or decorative items to an already uploaded import, please submit it HERE with the following form:

​Link to the original import: link the import deviation here

Link to the new import: link the file here

Proof of item/s: in your Kesh, etc.

To use a major or minor transformation token on an already uploaded import, please submit it HERE with the following form:

Link to the original import: link the import deviation here

Link to the new import: link the file here

Link to previous attempts: link all previous attempts from your

New Designer: write the username of the new designer (if applicable)

Proof of item/s: in your Kesh, etc.

The items you list MUST be already purchased and stored in your Kesh - requests with items you do not own will be declined.

This thread is also for removing modification items already on an import, to alter it back to the standard import lineart. Items such as custom manes, tails, hand paints, tack, and decorations may be removed for free, as realistically they would be easy to change on a horse. Branding cannot be removed. Scar packs cannot currently be removed. Linework may not be mixed and matched across bases. The original game import is retired and may not be used; if you're updating and old import it must be transferred to the current lines.

Mount Information Updates

Your mount's name, and nickname can be changed here. You may also transfer your mount to another player or label your mount as deceased. Please use caution when making this decision! It cannot be reversed, and will remove your mount from Moren Ezen.

Only 1 character may be updated per comment.

To update your mount's import information submit it HERE with the following form:

Link to the import: link the import deviation here

Information updating: ownership, name, etc.