Horse Husbandry is a field of care and passion. Those who want to raise horses must have dedication and love for their animals in order to produce high quality, well conformed horses that will pass only the best traits onto the next generation.

In order to participate in breeding, a horse must have a full body, coloured training image OR a written 1,400 word story to display their correct conformation - this process is called Inspection and should show the good features of the mount.

All riders may participate in breeding, but riders not specialising in Horse Husbandry will experience a significant risk of failure. 

Click HERE to train a mount in Horse Husbandry


Stat Bonus

Horse Husbandry does not benefit from any stat bonuses, but the sire's and dam's stats get partly inherited by their offspring. Breeding horses with high stats will give you a foal with higher beginner stats as well.

How to submit a Breeding

If you want to breed your own horses, you can simply go ahead and submit your breeding. If you want to breed someone else's horses, they have to give you a written permission before you are allowed to submit the breeding. 

Tatakh Minis may only breed with other Tatakh Minis until more is known about the breed.

To give breeding permission, comment HERE
Please only submit one permission per comment to make tracking easier. If you want to give permission for multiple horses and/or multiple slots, please make a new comment for each permission.

A rider may place 2 breedings per month.
This number can be increased by reaching certain ranks with your rider who is specialised in Horse Husbandry. 

Players may only post a maximum of 8 breedings a month even if they have enough riders to submit more than the maximum amount.

Horses are limited to 20 lifetime slots.
There will be opportunities to unlock additional slots via the Living Story and Ranking up.

In the fairness of limited slots, any rider with a chance of failing may submit a breeding up to 3 times using the same single slot. If all 3 attempts fail, the slot will be marked as used. Each attempt does not count towards the monthly limit. That means you can submit 2 breedings a month plus any failed attempts to become successful.

Each supplemental item type may be used once per breeding (e.g. you cannot use two pendants or two cloaks to stack benefits). These items are not used up by failed attempts unless the entire breeding fails.

Inbreeding within the visible lineage is allowed, but highly frowned upon. Serious health risks are present that cannot be prevented with Fertility Supplements. If a foal is born healthy, but their visible lineage shows common ancestors, their future offspring will always risk health penalties.

When attempting to roll for twins at level Expert or lower, you will risk health penalties unless supplements are used.

To submit a breeding, comment HERE with the following form:

Link to Sire x Link to Dam
Sire Permission: link to breeding permission
Dam Permission: link to breeding permission
Bonuses: breeding items, relevant companions
Is there inbreeding?: yes/no
Rider Import: link to rider import

To resubmit a failed breeding, comment HERE with the following form: 

Link to Sire x Link to Dam
Sire Permission: link to breeding permission
Dam Permission: link to breeding permission
Bonuses: breeding items, relevant companions
Rider Import: link to rider import
Previous Attempts: link to all previous attempts

As a reminder: Rare genes as well as Overo in their dominant form causes the foal to be stillborn or infertile. 

Horse Husbandry Prompts

Riders who have Horse Husbandry as a chosen specialty on their import may complete the prompts below to earn additional experience and stats.

These prompts cannot be used as a specialty entry. However, completing one of these prompts will get your rider and mount a +4 bonus to EP as well as 2 randomly generated stat tokens.

Click HERE to read up on Prompt requirements.
Comment HERE to submit a Horse Husbandry Prompt.

Prompt List