Racing Items

Rider Companions


Redeem Value: 3,500 Valyut

Description: Rider Companion. 15% chance to roll a Steppe Racing prize from the next tier.

How to Acquire: Purchase in the Bazaar, Lootbox, Small chance to be found in specialties.


Redeem Value: 3,500 Valyut

Description: Rider Companion. Induces fear on one random competitor in racing. Fear reduces a score by 25 points.

How to Acquire: Purchase in the Bazaar, Lootbox, Small chance to be found in specialties.

Horse Companions


Redeem Value: 3,500 Valyut

Description: Horse Companion. Small chance to duplicate your Valyut prize in racing.

How to Acquire: Purchase in the Bazaar, Lootbox, Small chance to be found in specialties.


Redeem Value: 3,500 Valyut

Description: Horse Companion. If a race result is tied, automatically gain the leading position.

How to Acquire: Purchase in the Bazaar, Lootbox, Small chance to be found in specialties.

Horse Tack

Light Saddle

Redeem Value: 2,500 Valyut

Description: Horse Item. +5 Score to all racing entries.

How to Acquire: Purchase in the Bazaar, Lootbox.

Racing Loot

Racing results depending on the rider's rank and placement. Each entry has the possibility to bring back the following:

A Placement Trophy*

A Valyut purse

One item from another specialty's loot

* Trophies can be exchanged for items in the Trophy Exchange.

Small Valyut Purse

Redeem Value: 300 Valyut

Large Valyut Purse

Redeem Value: 1,000 Valyut

1st Place Trophy

Collect and exchange for prizes at the Trophy Exchange

2nd Place Trophy

Collect and exchange for prizes at the Trophy Exchange

3rd Place Trophy

Collect and exchange for prizes at the Trophy Exchange

4th Place Trophy

Collect and exchange for prizes at the Trophy Exchange

5th Place Trophy

Collect and exchange for prizes at the Trophy Exchange