Event Items

All Hallow's Eve


Shadowcat Cub

Redeem Value: 3,500 Valyut

Description: Horse Companion. 15% chance to bring back 3 additional items in any specialty entry drawn or written at night.

Night must be clearly depicted. Discretion goes to the moderators.

How to Acquire: Participating in the All Hallow's Eve Event in October.

Companion has multiple color options: Shadow, Forest, Sand


Redeem Value: 3,500 Valyut

Description: Rider Companion. May draw a hyena in lieu of a human rider in hunting, fishing, scouting, herding, and farming. Alternatively if the rider is a shifter, you may draw them in their shifted(non berserker form). For More details check out the Hyena's description on LoreofME.

How to Acquire: Participating in the All Hallow's Eve Event in October.

Companion has multiple color options: Brown, Striped, Spotted

Blood Parrot

Redeem Value: 3,500 Valyut

Description: Rider Companion. When depicted alongside the rider in a specialty the companion has a chance to return with up to 3 items from it's last meal. Only applies to the rider it is attached to.

How to Acquire: Participating in the All Hallow's Eve Event in October.

One Time Use Items

Sweet Bread

Redeem Value: 350 Valyut

Description: Consume to gain 50% chance to roll an extra event item in any group hosted event.

How to Acquire: Participating in the All Hallow's Eve Event in October.

Decorative Skull

Redeem Value: 500 Valyut

Description: Use on a rolled event prompt entry to reroll rewards. Usable in any group hosted event, can only be used if none of the items were redeemed or used in any way.

How to Acquire: Participating in the All Hallow's Eve Event in October.

Loot Items

Broken Witch's Broom

Redeem Value: 150 Valyut

How to Acquire: Participating in the All Hallow's Eve Event in October.

Black Candles

Redeem Value: 100 Valyut

How to Acquire: Participating in the All Hallow's Eve Event in October.

Jack O Lantern

Redeem Value: 50 Valyut

How to Acquire: Participating in the All Hallow's Eve Event in October.




Redeem Value: 3,500 Valyut

Description: Rider Companion. When a celebration is depicted with this companions owner, all riders depicted have a 15% chance to return with yuletide items instead of items they would normally receive.

A celebration must be clearly depicted. Discretion goes to the moderators.

How to Acquire: Participating in the Yuletide in December.

Companion has multiple color options: Grey, Albino, Tuxedo

Baby Caribou

Redeem Value: 3,500 Valyut

Description: Rider Companion. Add +2 EP to images and written work that depict snow. Bonus applies to all riders and mounts in image or literature.

Snow must be clearly depicted. Discretion goes to the moderators.

How to Acquire: Participating in the Yuletide in October.

One Time Use Items

Yule Pastry

Redeem Value: 350 Valyut

Description: Gift to a friend to consume. Both players earn +2 EP to a chosen Rider or Jibita.

Transfer through the Kesh, use the admin comment as proof for EP Log.

How to Acquire: Participating in the Yuletide Event in December.

Roast Beast

Redeem Value: 350 Valyut

Description: Sustenance item. Consume to gain an additional roll in any hunting, scouting, farming, fishing, or herding entry

How to Acquire: Participating in the Yuletide Event in December.

Loot Items

Broken Cookie

Redeem Value: 50 Valyut

Glistening Icicle

Redeem Value: 25 Valyut

Holly Berries

Redeem Value: 100 Valyut

Twig Horse Decoration

Redeem Value: 75 Valyut