
Racing is a thrilling and ancient sport that pits riders and horses against each other in a challenge of speed and endurance. Selective breeding, proper training and pure grit will determine who will win, and who will be at the back of the pack.

In order to participate in racing, a horse must first have a full body, coloured training image with a background OR a 1,400 word story to show that the horse has been properly prepared for the task ahead. 

All riders may participate in racing, but until initial training is complete there is a significant risk of failure. 

Tatakh Minis are unable to participate in Steppe Racing until more is known about the breed.

Click HERE to train a mount in Steppe Racing
Click HERE to submit a Steppe Racing specialty entry

Stat Bonuses

In the gamble of racing, the people of Moren Ezen value a speedy horse to gain the upper hand. Endurance to keep up the high pace is just as important to leave your opponents behind.

Speed: The horse's swiftness along with the rider's skills increases the chance for them to place higher than they normally would. A high stat in Speed gives you a chance to jump a position ahead. 

Stamina: The horse's endurance provides an added bonus to the team's score based on their stats. There is a chance a high stat in Stamina gives your team additional points to their entry.

Racing Categories

Races will be rolled when there are five entrants in a category, or once a week if there are not enough participants. Ghost riders and horses with an average effort score will be entered if there are less than five entrants. 

The categories for races are:


Scores will be judged with the following rubric:

1-20 RNG score
1-50 unbiased effort score, this will be compared to your own gallery and the image requirements
+5 for a collaborated image
+ any tack or companion bonuses



Placement Trophy

1st Place: Small Valyut Purse


Placement Trophy

1st Place: Small Valyut Purse

1st and 2nd Place: Randomly rolled low tier prize


Placement Trophy

1st Place: Large Valyut Purse

1st and 2nd Place: Randomly rolled high tier prize


Placement Trophy

1st Place: Large Valyut Purse

1st and 2nd Place: Randomly rolled rare tier prize


Riders who have Steppe Racing as a chosen specialty on their import may complete the prompts below to earn additional experience and stats.

These prompts cannot be used as a specialty entry. However, completing one of these prompts will get your rider and mount a +4 EP bonus and you will earn 1 Speed Token and 1 Stamina Token.

Click HERE to read up on Prompt requirements.
Click HERE to submit a Steppe Racing Prompt entry.

Prompt List