
A specialty that requires a keen sense of tracking, patience and decisiveness, hunting is no easy task. Horse and rider must work together to locate and retrieve prey animals, an important source of furs, meat and trade. Riders need to be strong-willed, with horses that can handle every situation from long trapping routes to swift moving animal herds.

In order to participate in hunting, a horse must first have a full body, coloured training image with a background OR a 1,400 word story to show that the horse has been properly prepared for their tasks ahead. Prey must be depicted and should be appropriate for the hunter's ranking. Only one prey size is allowed per image. Multiple prey animals may be depicted.

All riders may participate in hunting, but until initial training is completed there is a significant risk of failure.

Click HERE to train a mount in Hunting
Click HERE to submit a Hunting specialty entry

Stat Bonuses

While following the tracks of prey, a hunter's horse needs to be in full health to safely navigate sometimes difficult terrain. On the chase it has to pick up the pace quickly to allow the hunter a successful hunt.

Speed: If the rider doesn't have Hunting as their chosen specialty, the horse's natural abilities will increase the pair's chances of success. If Hunting is one of the rider's chosen specialties, it increases the chances of returning with better items. 

Vitality: The horse's vitality gives the pair a chance to return with some extra items on their journeys. 

Prey Types

The following lists are a guide, not a strict requirement. You may depict any of the following animals, or animals of similar size/classification. Appropriate biome is suggested, but not required. Prey needs to be visible.

Hunting Prompts

Riders who have Hunting as a chosen specialty on their import may complete the prompts below to earn additional experience and stats.

Prompts cannot be used as a specialty entry. However, completing one of these prompts will earn your horse and rider +4 bonus to EP as well as 1 Speed Token and 1 Vitality Token.

Click HERE to read up on Prompt requirements.
Comment HERE to submit a Hunting Prompt.

Prompts List