Scouting Items

Rider Gear


Redeem Value: 2,000 Valyut

Description: Reduces an unspecialised rider's scouting failure to 25%. Provides a specialised scout a 20% chance to bring back up to 3 additional items on any scouting attempt.

How to Acquire: Purchase in the Bazaar, Lootbox, Small chance to be found in specialties.

Hand Drawn Map

Redeem Value: 1,000 Valyut

Description: Must be applied to a rider with scouting as a chosen specialty. 20% chance to bring back an additional item in scouting.

How to Acquire: Purchase in the Bazaar, Lootbox, Small chance to be found in specialties.

One Time Use


Redeem Value: 50 Valyut

Description: Can only be used by a rider with scouting as a chosen specialty. Guaranteed to bring back an additional item in scouting.

How to Acquire: Purchase in the Bazaar, Lootbox, Small chance to be found in specialties.

Herbal Brew

Redeem Value: 100 Valyut

Description: Can only be used by a rider with scouting as a chosen specialty. 20% chance to roll an additional scouting result.

How to Acquire: Purchase in the Bazaar, Lootbox, Small chance to be found in specialties.

Riders Companions

Prairie Dog

Redeem Value: 3,500 Valyut

Description: Rider Companion. 15% chance to bring back a rider item in any scouting attempt.

How to Acquire: Purchase in the Bazaar, Lootbox, Small chance to be found in specialties.

Horse Companions

Whitetail Deer

Redeem Value: 3,500 Valyut

Description: Horse Companion. 15% chance to bring back a consumable item in any scouting attempt.

How to Acquire: Purchase in the Bazaar, Lootbox, Small chance to be found in specialties.


Redeem Value: 3,500 Valyut

Description: Horse Companion. 15% chance to bring back up to 3 additional plant items in any scouting attempt.

How to Acquire: Purchase in the Bazaar, Lootbox, Small chance to be found in specialties.

Scouting Loot

All Items below can be found in Scouting, and Lootboxes.

All underlined items can also be located with the bear companion

Ancient Gears

Redeem Value: 80 Valyut


Redeem Value: 65 Valyut


Redeem Value: 50 Valyut

Plastic Coated Wire

Redeem Value: 150 Valyut

Wire Spool

Redeem Value: 150 Valyut

Silk Fiber

Redeem Value: 100 Valyut

Plant Fibers

Redeem Value: 100 Valyut


Redeem Value: 50 Valyut

Smooth River Stones

Redeem Value: 25 Valyut

Pine Branch

Redeem Value: 50 Valyut


Redeem Value: 25 Valyut


Redeem Value: 80 Valyut


Redeem Value: 65 Valyut


Redeem Value: 65 Valyut


Redeem Value: 80 Valyut

Plastic Bottle Caps

Redeem Value: 250 Valyut

Rusted Scrap Metal

Redeem Value: 15 Valyut

Leather Pouch

Redeem at the Kesh to open.

Tire Scraps

Redeem Value: 15 Valyut


Redeem Value: 25 Valyut