The Khan

The owners of the group who oversee the other admins. They are in charge of coming up with events, updating gameplay, and general development. If any areas need assistance, they will also fill out the roles of those admins.


The Horsemen

Meet the members of your general administration team.

Sanctuary Assistant / Specialty Prompter

Echelon Evaluator

Design Daddy / Breeding Boss

Breeding Boss / Kesh Kontroller / Speciality Prompter

Writer / Design Daddy

Design Daddy

Echelon Evaluator / Design Daddy

Specialty Specialist

Design Daddy

Administration Roles


Brian does Mudd's thinking. Brian is wise. We love Brian.

Breeding Bosses

The breeding roller's job is to roll breedings submitted by players. While this can be a very fun job, it is also very detailed oriented.

Clan Commanders

These admins are in charge of updating and maintaining all of the clan threads, and rolling the results of raids between conflicting clans.

Design Daddies

The design approval admin's job is to thoroughly scrutinize your character submissions to ensure they adhere to the set group guidelines prior to upload. These admins check both riders and horses submitted to the threads, as well as any information updates for the characters. 

Echelon Evaluators

Echelon admins are our pro EP counters. EP counting is the most time consuming role, and it is their job to check your character's tracker to ensure the character has enough points to reach the next rank, which is why it's so important that members keep their trackers organized and easy to read in order to keep our EP counters sane. EP Counters are also in charge of checking Magic Prompts submitted.

Kesh Kontrollers

Kesh admins are our accountants. These admins do all things Kesh related, including but not limited to maintaining the Bank and Bazaar threads, formally transferring items between players, redemption of items from specialty rolls, opening lootboxes and applying tack/gear/companions to characters. They have a lot of responsibility, and they're pretty awesome.

Sanctuary Assistants

The Sanctuary admins run the Adoption Center. They check that applicants meet the criteria for adoption, assign genos and process donations.

Specialty Prompter

Specialty prompters deal with all prompt related things. They oversee the submission of specialty prompts and will give out the desired tokens to increase your mount's stats.

Specialty Specialists

Specialty/Event rollers is a pretty straightforward role, it is their job to roll all activity entries and help with events that have reward rolls. Specialty rollers are also in charge of rolling the results for quests submitted, and may help with Training approvals.

Questionable Questers

Quest admins help to keep things active and interesting with monthly Quest prompts. 


Admins helping out with event development and writing for e.g. lore or Living Story chapters.