Earning and Living

Most means of survival in Moren Ezen require hard physical work and a hand-to-mouth lifestyle where people produce and utilize their own food, clothing, tools, weapons and shelter. In some groups, these resources may be shared equally among its members to ensure survival. This is more common in harsher climates, such as The Nether and the Ethereal Badlands. In areas with larger settlements, the use of Valyut is far more common, and people will often be compensated for work or goods with currency, which they can then use to purchase food and other necessities.

There are seven career paths, or specialties, that are common in Moren Ezen: Farming, Fishing, Herding, Horse Husbandry (Breeding), Hunting, Scouting and Steppe Racing. Breeding and Racing are often a gamble, and require a keen sense of what traits are desirable in a horse in order to produce animals that will offer peak performance. Hunting, Herding and Farming are highly common inland, throughout the plains, forests and jungles of the world.

Along the coasts, Fishing is a staple career choice, with dedicated and hardy riders training their horses to wade offshore with dragnets to collect prey. In some areas where the landscape is suitable or the ability to build channels is available, fisherman employ more cunning tactics to catch larger prey. Teams of horses are aligned on each side of a channel, with a heavy net lowered between them. Kayakers will drive prey into the channels, where the net is then drawn tight and the horses are able to drag the prey to shore where it can be safely killed and harvested.

Scouting is the most singular of the careers, and often a lonely one. Employed to search for resources, obtain information, or spy, scouts tends to live solitary and simple lives with much of their time on the road.

Importance of Trade

In a world where groups of people live so isolated from each other, trade is a cornerstone to re-developing bonds. Trade allows for not only the transfer of goods and services, but also the exchange of ideas. It creates a bridge between family groups to exchange members, widening gene pools. It has spurred the development of outposts and safe trade routes. Without trade, Moren Ezen could never again find unity.