Chapter Three


Deep in Eclein’s northern wood, beyond the caribou tracks and the lights of men, a great bear lumbers across the frozen ground. She is in perfect condition, a true credit to her species; over seventy stone of muscle and fat with a paw thrice the size of a man’s. Claws (the littlest among them a good substitute for a paring knife) leave deep grooves in the snow as she crunches over frozen undergrowth. The air is clean and bitter cold.

All the scurrying things of the cold forest, the mice and the voles, the snow hares, the ptarmigans in their nests, hold themselves still for fear of her. Snow whirls. She passes through a grove of young spruce and ambles toward the crest of a nearby ridge, drawn by some primal instinct.  At the top, her tread slows. The land slopes away to a valley and a distant, humble village. Smoke curls up lazily into a darkening sky.

The bear watches undisturbed. Lungs like forge bellows breathe in, and a warrior breathes out. Winter winds whip away her icy exhale. Inanke the She-Bear, the Great Protector, stands tall atop the rise. A shaggy mantle of bear fur drags around her shoulders.

Dusk falls. Inanke observes the village with a god’s eye, her expression unreadable. Snow whirls, tugging at her hair and furs, whistling mournfully through the valley below. She seems a part of this harsh land, as immutable and eternal as the ancient peaks themselves. 

Do you feel it?

Inanke does not turn. She is unsurprised by the appearance of Osdohr, though his coming had not disturbed a single snowflake upon the ground.


She turns to look at him, then. Dark eyes reflect a primal hunger and a purpose as ceaseless and unyielding as the ice itself. An ancient man stands hunched at her side, his back bowed by the weight of countless years. Arthritic knuckles grip a worn oak staff pitted with shallow grooves. Inanke tilts her head, considering. An interesting choice of form.

Something is wrong.

Main Objective

Throughout chapter three a series of events will take place, some blanketed across the continents and others contained to specific localities on the map, by which your character may be affected. To what capacity, and how they choose to respond, however, is entirely up to you.

Their path is yours to decide.

But beware...

The Guardians are watching.



Chapter Three Concludes In:

Opening Story Revealed

First Main Prompt Revealed

Optional Prompts One & Two

Second Main Prompt Revealed

Boss Battle: The Beast of Wriysh Lake 

Third Main Prompt Revealed

Optional Prompts Three & Four

Story Conclusion

Living Story Shop

Winners Revealed

January 28th, 2024

February 4th, 2024

February 18th - April 14th, 2024

April 28th, 2024

April 29th - July 7th, 2024

July 14th, 2024

July 28th - October 20th, 2024

October 20th, 2024

October 20th - YBA, 2024

October 27th, 2024

Deadlines and reveal dates may change with little to no notice. The deadlines will never be shortened.

How To Participate

There is NO pre-registration, but you must have an approved and uploaded rider in order to participate. The rider must be your own.

You may enter the event with all your riders, but they will each need their own separate entries to earn awards. You may depict other characters in your entries for story purposes.

Collaborations may have 2 participants contributing 1 Rider each.

Mounts are optional.

All entries should have the following information in the artist comments:

Link to Rider Import:
Link to Horse Import: (if applicable)

Entry Requirements

Main Prompt Entry Requirements

Optional Prompt Entry Requirements

Optional prompts follow all the above rules, except:

Optional prompts may be completed at any time after they are revealed up until the end of the event, but they may only be rolled for event lootboxes within the given timeframe as stated in the schedule.


All participants will qualify for Pathfinder, The Chosen One, Birds of a Feather, Tireless Traveler and Faithful Steed based on completion.

Master Painter and Master Storyteller will be chosen by the Judges based on personal effort, accuracy to the story, attention to detail, and how moving and impactful your entries are.

The People's Choice will be voted on for effort, style, story and creativeness by the members via public poll.


Master Painter

Who created the most visually stunning imagery?

Requirements: Complete all three main prompts as art pieces. 

One Winner - Judge’s Choice.

Prizes: Badge + Black Market Semi-Custom + 10,000 Valyut + 500 Karma

Master Storyteller

Who brought the audience to their knees, or leaping with applause? 

Requirements: Complete all three main prompts as literary pieces. 

One Winner - Judge’s Choice.

Prizes: Badge + Black Market Semi-Custom + 10,000 Valyut + 500 Karma

The People's Choice

Chosen by the public for effort, style, story and creativeness. 

Requirements: Complete all three main prompts.

One Winner - Public Vote.

Prizes: Badge + Black Market Semi-Custom + 10,000 Valyut + 500 Karma


The path is yours to choose. Choose wisely.

Requirements: Complete all three main prompts. 

Prizes: Badge + 500 Valyut + 150 Karma + Pre-Design Prize Raffle Ticket 

The Chosen One

The journey won’t be easy, but you’re up to the challenge. 

Requirements: Complete all three main prompts and all four optional prompts. 

Prizes: Badge + Rare or Mutation Semi-Custom + 1,000 Valyut + 500 Karma + Living Story Lootbox Exclusive Bundle

Birds of a Feather

United we stand, stronger.

Requirements: Collaborate all three main prompts with the same player. 

Prizes: Badge + ‘Birds of a Feather’ Pre-Design Prize Raffle Ticket 

Tireless Traveller

Hard work pays off. 

Requirements: Complete all three main prompts for a single rider as both literary and art pieces.  

Prizes: Badge + Black Market Semi-Custom + 1 Bundle of Choice + 1,000 Karma 

Faithful Steed

A great horse deserves to be decorated.

Requirements: Complete all three main prompts for a single rider and horse pair. **The horse must be an active participant throughout each prompt entry.

Prizes: Badge + Large Stat Bundle + Decorator's Bundle + Aslene's Semi-Custom

Exclusive Companion: all participants will receive this exclusive companion, available only during the Living Story: Chapter Three. 

Moonskink: Rider Companion -  these curious little creatures' valuable hides are oft viewed as a symbol of wealth and status. 25% chance to bring back a small valyut purse and 5% chance to bring back a large valyut purse in any specialty entry. Account bound.

Pre-Design Raffle Prizes

Loot Box Contents

Completing the optional prompts drop loot boxes with a chance of containing the following:

Bonus Item Bundle

Breeder's Bundle

Companion Bundle

Decorator's Bundle

Tack Bundle

Stat Token Bundle

Each optional prompt also presents the chance to roll one of the following prompt exclusives, only obtainable through completing the prompt before its deadline:

Optional Prompt One Exclusive

Gene Anomaly Token

Optional Prompt Two Exclusive

Old World Toaster

Boss Battle: The Beast of Wriysh Lake

Aavshud's Tooth

Optional Prompt Three Exclusive


Optional Prompt Four Exclusive



Have an opinion you'd like to share with the development team? Have you noticed an error or inconsistency in the game mechanics? Are you finding something irresolvably befuddling and would perhaps like to seek some anonymous clarity? Maybe you just want to let us know you're having a great time! You can use the form below to let the team behind the Living Story know how your experience is going, whatever the case may be!