
All across the land of Moren Ezen, just under the surface to those who know where to look, there is a labyrinth; a complex and twisting network of tunnels. No two are alike; some are cavernous, reaching high above those who wander through like the ceilings of turned-to-ruin cathedrals, while others coil and tighten like a constrictor, ready to choke any unsuspecting prey that dared to venture further. 

With the growing tensions, some outcroppings of mages decide against facing the coming storm; instead they retreat underground, away from those who seek to cause them harm. To those who hunt mages, information on the tunnels or maps of their ever-winding and crisscrossing paths are invaluable, and those who have that information for sale could suddenly find themselves flush with valyut (if perhaps lacking in morals). 

Rumors surrounding these tunnels abound, whether it be whispers of those who want to avoid strife overland and safe passage to wherever they’re traveling, or murmurs of bloodthirsty mages that hide amongst the stone and darkness. Where these underground passages once were well-kept secrets, only there for those who knew where to look, now more and more it seems that everyone knows something of the tunnels or is actively seeking them out. Guardians protect those who venture forth and let the tunnels contain a boon, not a horror hidden in the darkness. 

Written by RadioactiveSmog

Depict your character exploring these underground tunnels. Are they there of their own free will, or were they forced underground by the discord on the surface? Does the tunnel lead anywhere, or do they find themselves at a dead end? Are there treasures of the Old World waiting to be discovered, or... perhaps something a little more sinister is lurking in the dark beneath?

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Old World Toaster

This strange contraption's correct application is one of intense debate. Was some kind of musical instrument? Might it have been a bag? A tool? Who knows...Rider Item - +2 EP whenever your rider is depicted interacting with Old World technology or infrastructure.