Halos and Other Edits

There are some finishing touches for horse imports that are allowed, such as halos, bolder linework and color shifting. All these effects should be subtle, but can really help make an import stand out.


Adding subtle halos to imports can really help make them pop from the background. The imports have pre-made halos to use, which can have slight color added to them. We recommend picking a color from the background to help make it blend, or sticking with provided black and white and keeping the opacity between 20%-50%. Any neon colours or colours that sharply stand out will be asked to be changed.


Adding a thin rim of black around an import can also help a design stand out. This can be done by locking and hand coloring the lines, or adding a 1 pixel outline to your import.

Colour Shift

Colour shift effect is when a 3D red blue shift is applied to an import. This effect should be subtle and not easily distinguishable around the outlines of the import (the red and blue shift shouldn't be overly noticeable).