Sun, Sand and Tide

A sole figure wanders the long, lonely road. She wears no shoes on her feet, and though her travelling cloak is finely tailored she appears dishevelled. Her skin bares the texture of crumpled wax parchment, and her age drapes heavily across her shoulders. Her hair — fine and silver as spider’s silk and unruly as the wilds she wanders — gleams in the sunlight, and her eyes dark as the heavens on a clear, moonless night twinkle with the mischievous mirth of a child.

She smiles — her teeth are crooked and yellowed — and when she speaks her voice is coarse, but joyous.

Answer me this riddle, she says.

Answer me right, a gift you may take.
Answer me wrong, high is the stake.

Tell me of the place where one world ends,
And from its ruin did another begin.

Take me to where its heart does lye,
Broken between sun, sand and tide.

Find for me what there’s to be found,
Buried beneath spilled blood turned sour.

Where are we?

Depict your rider interacting with the old woman OR finding the location to which they believe the riddle pertains. Please ensure your answer is clearly stated in the artist’s description.

Please play fairly! If you think you have guessed the answer to the riddle, please do not spoil it for others by sharing or discussing it in the Moren Ezen discord. Likewise, please do not ask for assistance from other players.

You may complete the prompt without answering the riddle if you do not wish to. Answering correctly will drop an additional loot item. Answering the incorrectly will incur consequence. The answer is specific to the lore of Moren Ezen. 

Loot Box Exclusive

Gene Anomaly Token

Well, that does seem odd...Horse Item. Allows the abnormal expression of ONE genetic marking. Does not affect base-coats, dilution genes, natural white, genetic white or mutations. Must be applied during design approval.