Riddle Me This

During your riders travels, they encounter an odd sort of stranger wandering about the wilds - alone and with no horse, no pack nor supplies, and no shoes. As your rider approaches they turn, and with a guileful grin and a hand outstretched, demand that they stop. Your rider does so - whether they intended it or not.

Answer me this riddle, they say.
Answer me right, you'll be on your way.
Answer me wrong, far you will stray.

I am the shadow cast by night,
from dusk 'till dawn come morning's light.

My swords are sharp, formed not by forge;
The weary traveler fears most their score.

My step is silent as the grave,
Run fast, too late, with me you'll stay.

Who am I?



Depict your rider encountering this stranger.

+ 100 Karma to the player who answers the riddle correctly.

Please play fairly! If you think you have guessed the answer to the riddle, please do not spoil it for others by sharing or discussing it in the Moren Ezen discord. Likewise, please do not ask for assistance from other players.


Zakhena's Essence

A special gift from the master of disguise.Horse item. Allows a horse to visually display a gene that it does not carry. Must be applied during design approval.