White Noise

The upsurge in magical activity throughout the world has woken more than just the strange natural phenomena. Deep within the desolate Old World tombs scattered across the continents, great metal relics that have sat dormant for more than 600 years splutter and whir suddenly back to life, their rusted metal gears rattling and grinding with age.

For most, the eerie sounds and tremors disturbing the earth are a terror not to be explored. Many who reside close to these ruins abandon their homes in haste, leaving their towns to be reclaimed by the same wilds slowly raving the Old World ruins.

For others, however, it is a curiosity.

Great, impenetrable metal doors that once been sealed shut now swing readily open at but a touch. Walls of light twinkle where there before there had been only grey and shadow. Enormous arms of steel that had been frozen in time now swing aimlessly - perhaps searching - of their own accord. And strange disembodied voices - some speaking, others singing - a language long forgotten, crackling and distorted and utterly inhuman echo throughout the narrow corridors.

There are all new treasures to be found, long buried secrets to be uncovered, for those with the courage to seek them.


Depict how your character reacts to this phenomena. Do they run from it, or do they seek to reap the rewards none else dare pursue?


Old World Radio

More advanced communication between riders means better chances of successRider Item - Increases the chance of rolling rare items by 15% in Hunting, Scouting, Fishing, Farming and Herding.