Trade Routs

Intercontinental Sea Routs

The calm waters of the Vluolst Sea connect the four main continents via an intricate network of seafaring trade routs.

Only the largest sailing ships make the trek from Tseten Thaye to Kestrana, onboarding the most profitable goods and cargo. Ordinary passage instances span around 15-20 days in favorable weather conditions, however a select few vessels are capable of making the journey in half that time.


Aeslend's sheer vastness, arduous terrain and extreme weather patterns makes trade between it's settlements a laborious task, and certainly not one for the faint of heart. 

Kestrana serves as Aeslend's largest trade hub, receiving supply of goods en mass from every corner of Moren Ezen. 

Trade to and from Yeshi is done almost exclusively by sea, from where good are boated up the tongue of the Phrothis River to the town. The track crudely carved through the dense tropical forest and mountainous diving range of Aeslend's south make a direct trade rout between Yeshi and Lak Salok nigh impassible. A detour from Yeshi to Haspar is oftentimes a safer, more favorable option, from where a boat might be chartered south-west across the Wrish Lake to Lat Salok, and visa versa.

Eclein is typically the last stop on the north-westerly rout, 


The majority of the hibiscus dragon pet trade to Aeslend comes out of Phiradit, situated in the tropics of Ehiasall's mid-eastern coast.

Meozas & Apora