
Viper is a marking that creates a dark, fairly solid dorsal stripe that tapers down the body, with spots or 'medallions' between the tapers. This marking should always always taper downward.

The geno code for Viper is written as:
nVp or VpVp

The medallions may appear in clusters of up to three spots in between the tapered stripes. At the minimum, viper should display at least three tapers, with a maximum of twelve. These tapers do not need to be even in length, width or shape and may have some irregularity in thickness. Viper may also create a dark line that extends down the face, crossing over the eye.

The topline of the marking may have a secondary, lighter colour (very slightly lighter or darker than the base) that shows in the dorsal stripe's thickest areas. This secondary colour will only appear along the topline and may not have any floating spots, or spots lower in the tapers.

While the dorsal stripe may have some breaks in its connection, there should be no holes or spots within the tapers or medallions.

At the minimum, Viper should cover the shoulders. At the maximum, it may blanket the horse's neck and body.

In need of inspiration? We recommend looking at normal, clown, enchi and spider ball pythons for reference points.