
The tobiano pattern is characterized by the appearance of having had white paint poured over the dorsal line and run down the shoulders and quarters. Generally, the solid spots are regular and distinct as ovals or round patterns that extend down over the neck and chest, giving the appearance of a shield, as well as up the flank towards the hip. Haloing; white bordering the markings, is common. All four legs are white, at least below the hocks and knees. Head markings are minimal, within the range of natural white. There may be minimal isolated white spots, also clean edged and smooth. Tobiano may contain some spotting within the patches of white, but they should be minimal and well defined spots.

The geno code for Tobiano is written as:
nTo or ToTo

Minimum and Maximum Coverage

Dominant tobiano may express what is known as 'cat tracks', or clustered, uneven spots with wide halos.