
Seal is a marking that blankets a horse's body in small, dark spots. These spots may connect and be peppered in colour, meaning they can have a few different shades. The colours should be layered, with the lowest layer being the lightest and the uppermost layer being the darkest. They may display a subtle gradient. The minimum and maximum spot sizes are shown in the example below.

The geno code for Seal is written as:
nSa or SaSa

The spots do not need to be perfectly round, but shouldn't have any star trails, swirls or easily recognizable shapes. Seal does not fade into the coat.

Spots may occur anywhere on the body, but should be evenly distributed, e.g. they won't concentrate on just the legs and face, but be missing from the torso.

In it's dominant form, seal may form a solid, dark blanket with ringlets that show the base coat. This form may still have darker spots over the blanket, and may show spots elsewhere on the body. The blanket's maximum range is shown in the below example.
