
Quagga is a marking that creates bleached fading along the muzzle, eyes, belly, throat and legs, as well as bold, light stripes on the rump. Bleaching should be soft edged and gently fade into the coat. Bleaching must cover the shown range. Bleaching and stripes can range in color from pure white to a light, cream version of the base.

Stripes may have a slight halo and interchangeably fade, as well as fade along the horse's underside. Striping may present anywhere within the shown red range, always starting at the topline and moving vertically downward. The stripes do not need to touch or cross the topline. At the minimum, there must be five stripes present. Quagga does not cause pink skin or blue eyes.

The geno code for Quagga is written as:

Dominant Quagga (QuQu) is not viable. Foals that receive two copies of the gene will be born infertile or stillborn.