
All example gradients are a range of acceptable colors, a single base cannot vary to these extremes.

Mushroom is a dilution gene that gives the coat a very similar colour to dun, without the barring and with the addition of a pangare-like lightening on the underside. The mane and tail will have faded, silvered tips.

The geno code for mushroom is written as:

nMs or MsMs


Can range from a vibrant red to a rich liver brown. The skin will still be a dark grey or black, the eyes will be brown.


A desaturated coat ranging from an ash color to a dark charcoal. The skin will remain a dark grey or black and the eyes will be brown.


This coat can range from a pale, diluted gold to a soft reddish tone, to a washed out brown in colour. The skin will remain a dark grey or black and the eyes will be brown. The legs do have dark points, though are often washed out by the pangare effect. Bay mushroom and wild bay mushroom will visually be the same, though the leg points on wild bay will be restricted to the ankles.


Darker and richer in colour than bay mushroom. The legs do have dark points, though are often washed out by the pangare effect. The skin will remain a dark grey or black and the eyes will be brown.
