
Moth is a rare marking that affects the entire coat. It takes the horse's genotype and morphs it into markings that resemble a moth's wings. It covers most other genes on the coat.  

Markings may have bold, thick stripes, speckling, and it can fade out into a new descriptor: noise. 

The geno code for Moth is written as:

Dominant Moth (MtMt) is not viable. Foals that receive two copies of the gene will be born infertile or stillborn.

Moth's effects should resemble real life moth markings, which include bold stripes, eyelet shapes, and noise. Noise is a grainy fading of the markings. Noise should be grainy in texture, not speckled or dappled. Moth should not contain any obvious swirls, perfect shapes, or colours outside the range of the underlying genetics.

Moth's appearance is determined by the genotype:
- If the genotype has only hard edged markings, moth should have a hard edged appearance (with noise as the exception).
- If the genotype has gradient markings, Moth may have gradients. The subtle gradient of base coat nuance is always allowed.
- If the design has soft edged markings, Moth may appear soft.

Moth's colour is determined by the genotype. You take the available colour palette of the genotype, and create a moth-like appearance. Moth will be affected by mutations like Albino, Caramel and Melanistic. If the genotype has markings affected by Abundism, the Moth may exhibit an excess of dark markings.

Fryekli lays above Moth, however Moth interacts with Fryekli allowing it to form into clusters, arrange into lines, or be evenly spread.

Champagne and Pearl shine will show over Moth. Tarnish shading will show over Moth.

Moth may be as intricate or as simple as you'd like, so long as it resembles moth wings and represents the underlying genotype.

Bay dun with pangare, barsuka, takho, and moth [abundism]

Black with seal, viper and moth.

Hard edged markings, only nuanced gradients, only noise is used for softer edges.

Black with grey, fryekli and moth

Palomino with shield, onoo, barsuka and moth.

Markings are soft and blended with lots of gradient color.