
Marbled is a distinct spotting that may appear anywhere on the horse's body, but typically concentrates along the underside.

Marbled consists of two layers - a darker layer of spotting with distinct, round shapes that covers no more then 75 % of the body. This first layer should be distinctly darker than the base, but may range from a saturated, darker version of the base to a desaturated black. This layer may have subtle gradients. The second layer consists of white markings that are very tobiano like in shape, often concave with spotting near the edges, that sit within the darker layer. This white layer will never cover more than 50 % of the body. These layers will always be hard edged, but may have some subtle texturing. The spotting should be large and distinct in shape, unable to be mistaken for fryekli or oduud.

The geno code for Marbled is written as:

Dominant Marbled (MbMb) is not viable. Foals that receive two copies of the gene will be born infertile or stillborn.