
Brume is a soft, mist like marking that covers up to 30 % of the horse's body. Often likened to clouds or mist, it fades in and out of the coat, creating a what appears to be a rolling sheen of smoke. Brume may appear darker or lighter than the coat, but never both. It may range from near black to almost white, but should always be saturated unless grey is present or the coat is black. This marking should have no distinct texturing or hard edges, always presenting as soft and cloud like. It always flows along the body and should not swirl or create any unnatural shapes.

When Oduud is present over Brume, it may have a saturated colour, appearing as a lighter shade of the base coat. This saturation will only occur over the Brume. Any oduud elsewhere on the body will remain white.

The geno code for Brume is written as:

Dominant Brume (BrBr) is not viable. Foals that receive two copies of the gene will be born infertile or stillborn.