
Aqmar is a distinct marking affecting the throat and face of a horse. It's known for creating a pale, silvery mask that tends to fade out across the cheeks and a throat band, often sporting fryekli like flecks that match the colour of the base coat. The throat band tends to display as an O or U shape, but may also be a solid circle or fan out across the lower neck. The throat band may have slight soft edges, but is primarily a solid edged marking. The face mask always has soft edges. May have a slight gradient. Changes the eyes to have a pale, blind appearance with a silvery pupil. 

May completely mask Eguskine, or be masked by it. Both will not show at the same time.

The geno code for Aqmar is written as:
nAq or AqAq

Colour Pallete

Aqmar has a distinct range with little change from horse to horse. However, the marking may have very individual and unique shaping. The face and throat marks should be solid shapes, with no breaks or free floating spotting. Eyebrow points are the single exception.