Mastay Festival 2021

The festival offers Moren Ezen’s riders an opportunity to showcase both their horsemanship skills and expertise in their specialties before the combined continent's most laureated Masters, and, rumour has it, for a lucky few who truly impress the Elders the chance to win some of the most spectacular prizes yet offered.

The Spring Bazaar bustles alongside the festivities; a kaleidoscope of reds, blues and golds against the lush ambient green. Merchant traders’ tables laden with goods of every conceivable shape and size, local vendors with carts brimming with provincial cuisine, and makeshift yards a pother of hagglers bartering the price of some of the most exquisite Jibitas and Haspars. For those so inclined, specimens rarer and more striking still may be discovered, if only the guards would look the other way.

For all the journey will be long and arduous, and undoubtedly not without peril. But the coming together of so many people from the numerous tribes and cultures of Moren Ezen presents another opportunity; for the Elders to compile a collective record of the diverse knowledge and experiences unique to their various localities. Those who have encountered particular and rare Flora during their travels are encouraged to share it with the Elders.

Flora Discovery

Scouts all over Moren Ezen have been working diligently throughout the winter, and many brought back newly discovered flora. Some of the plants made them feel ill, some were so poisonous when tested that hunters now use them to coat their weapons, and many were delicious and seem to have medicinal properties. To keep track of plants native to different regions, the elders ask for your help in documenting them.

For this event, a number of plant suggestions might be added to the Flora page, and may be implemented in crafting in the future. You can go wild on the designs and descriptions, but we may balance it out to fit the world if it seems necessary. As it stands now, these are mainly for world-building purposes.

Feel free to draw a rough-sketch with a general colour idea of the fauna. We’re only looking for visualizations or concepts, so please don’t feel the need to put all your effort into creating completed images!

If your plant design is chosen, it will be created into an item to go and live in the game. As a thank you for your idea, you’ll receive a unique, “crystal” version of the item that is exclusive to you and can be applied as a badge for one of your riders. You will also receive 500 Karma and 2,000 Valyut.

Provided that sufficient description is provided (at least 2-3 sentences or a sketch), creating an entry will allow you to receive a scouting roll in return.


Flora Name: Highland Horn

Design: A large, low-lying plant bearing a single, tube-like flower with stiff, tightly interlocking green to purple petals. The petals create a resonating chamber, which when the wind blows over the topmost opening, creates a fluid sound. The length and width of the flowers vary greatly, from short and broad to tall and slim, and grow closely to one another.

Short Description: The Highland Horn grows only in areas of continual high winds, primarily in the mountainous regions of Rigsang, but can also be found scattered throughout the lower mountains north of Eclein. They are revered for their eerie mountain song, and while the plant offers no medicinal purpose and is foul to the taste, some wandering tribes have fashioned them into workable wind instruments.

Example written by Kurrumin

Flora Name: (optional)

Design: (can be a rough sketch, or a detailed description of what the plant looks like)

Short Description: (uses, region, etc)

Mastay Specialty Showcase

Welcome to the vibrant settlement of Mastay in the farthest reaches of Ehiasall’s west-coast, renowned for its vast evergreen valleys, glittering white sand beaches and sweeping clear-water streams. For any ardent explorer it is considered a must-visit, but this season the beautiful botanic city is offering something far grander even than it’s exquisite visage.

In the wake of Kaetho’s Grand Steppe Race success, the Elders have reformed to embark upon a new endeavour, and so from every corner of the continents - from the seething deserts of the Ethereal Badlands in Aesland to the frozen flats of Apora’s southern Ice Sea - come auspicious participants for Moren Ezen’s next most decorated event.

  • Entries Must be submitted before 12 AM June 6th, 2021

  • Each entry will receive a successful Specialty Roll for the Specialty they are for, even if the rider is not trained in that specialty.

  • Each rider may enter up to 2 events, players may enter with multiple riders.

  • If doing a combination of art and literature, you must specify which you would like to be judged on as only one will count as an entry.

  • Players may only win 1st place in 1 Specialty.

  • A Player may win both First place and either Elders Favorite, or Crowd Favorite

  • A Player may not win Both Elders Favorite And Crowd Favorite


  • At least 75% of horse and rider must be visible in art entries

  • At least 1400 words for literature entries and the horse and rider must be mentioned throughout.

  • No tracing or premade linearts

  • References must be credited

  • Must be your own work (no commissions or collabs)

  • Color/shading/background required for art entries

  • Rider must be focused on the activity

  • Depicting tack is optional (may be festive, must fit world aesthetic)



Each section is scored 1-5

1 being lowest

3 being average

5 being the highest


- Detail Compared to Gallery: In comparison to your gallery, how descriptive are you being with either your words or how much detail went into your piece? This accounts for the details surrounding the show that you might choose to depict in your entry.

- Overall Compared to Gallery: Does your entry match the effort displayed in your gallery or did you spend a little extra time polishing off your entry. Did you experiment with different writing structures or improve on your compositions? Here we will be looking for more than just the amount of details you have included in your piece. You will not be docked points if you try something new for this event in fact we are encouraging you to.


- Creativity: How did your character interact with the tasks given by the elder. What makes your characters entry unique?

Show Accuracy:

- Task: How on Task is your rider? Feel free to interpret the task presented as you would like but keep in mind the specifics the Elder's have asked for. If a task mentions potential disqualifications you will not have your entry disqualified but you will lose points here.

- Setting: How accurate is your depiction of the setting for the event?

- Weather: How accurate is your depiction of the weather for the duration of the event.


- Item Bonus: Each Specialty will have an item that can give a bonus to your image, your character will need to have the item listed on their import before the scoring phase of the event begins.

- RNG: If there are ties in the scores RNG will be used to help Tiebreak

Crowd Choice

This rider and horse pair won the hearts of all festival goers. Having discussed a favorite amongst themselves, the locals and other riders have selected a rider and horse pair whose effort stood out from the others to be awarded Crowd Favorite.

At the end of the Festival the group will put out a poll to allow for all members to help elect their favorite entry to receive the Crowd's Choice Prize.

Elders Choice

The Elders kept a close eye on all participants of the events watching their skill and behavior. The Elders have selected 1 Rider and pony pair who showed great sportsmanship and showmanship throughout the festival and have declared them the Elder's Favorite of this Mastay Festival.

After the Crowd Favorite has been decided the admin will get together to discuss another entry that stands out.

Prizes for Crowd Choice and Elder's choice:

  • x1 Aslene's Steed Semi Custom

  • x1 Large Stat Bundle

  • x1 Bonus Item Bundle

  • x1 Decorators Bundle

Horse Husbandry

Decorated Pony Show

Isabis has asked Riders across Moren Ezen to bring their best Jibitas and Haspars to show off the best of the breeds. While this is a conformation show she has asked that all riders joining in on the festivities to present their Ponies while being fully decorated. The decorations can be as simple as some flowers and hand paints or as complex as festive sets of tack or designs shaved into the ponies fur.

Task: Depict your Rider showing off their prized pony with their festive decorations.

Setting: A few fenced off areas for the show itself, the sidelines decorated with marquees to give the participants and watchers some shade. Posts connected by ropes with hay underneath them are provided for riders to tie their horses up to if the rider needs to leave their horse for whatever reason. Regional decorations are seen on the sidelines and on the animals.

Weather: Hot and sunny, no wind

Event tack/gear Bonuses:

  • Fancy Halter - +5 Score to any group sponsored event involving conformation.

Submit Entries for the Decorated Pony show here

1st Place Prizes:

  • Gaud EV 075

  • 15,000 Valyut

  • 2,000 Karma

  • 2 Black Market Slot Tokens of choice

  • 2 Breeders Bundles

  • 2 Tortoise Companions

  • Event Entry may double as an inspection image for the pony depicted.

2nd Place Prizes:

  • 10,000 Valyut

  • 1,000 Karma

  • 1 Breeders Bundle

  • 1 Black Market Slot Token of choice

  • 1 Desert Market Slot Token of choice

  • 1 Tortoise Companion

  • Event Entry may double as an inspection image for the pony depicted.

3rd Place Prizes:

  • 5,000 Valyut

  • 500 Karma

  • 1 Breeders Bundle

  • 2 Desert Market Slot Tokens of Choice

  • Event Entry may double as an inspection image for the pony depicted.


Rabbit Hunt

The rabbits have had a good spring already and are running rampant in the plains surrounding Mastay. Many of the farmers have complained of the rabbits ruining the sprouting crops.

Khulan has asked riders to come and help with the ravenous rabbits. The riders who can return with the most rabbits showing off their skills as expert hunters. All rabbits returned in this event will be used in a large stew for all festival attendees to share.

Task: Depict your Rider and their pony tracking, taking down some rabbits, or turning in the rabbits they caught.

Setting: Riders may choose to set out in the morning or the afternoon. The plains where the hunting takes place are surrounded by steep mountains, and one side with a sharp drop down looking out onto the sea near Mastay. Short, spiky bushes with rabbits hiding in them are scattered all over the plains. Use of dogs and birds to catch the rabbits is encouraged if your rider is not a skilled archer.

Weather: Stormy early morning, showers for the rest of the day

Event tack/gear Bonuses:

  • Hunter Saddle - +5 Score to any group sponsored event involving hunting.

Submit Entries for the Rabbit Hunt Here

1st Place Prizes:

  • Uneg EV 081

  • 15,000 Valyut

  • 2,000 Karma

  • 2 Speed Stat Tokens

  • 2 Vitality Stat Tokens

  • Rider Gear: x 1 Flintlock Rifle, x1 Bow and Arrows, x1 Sturdy Trap

  • One Time Use Items: x5 Cervidae Calls, x5 Bird Calls, x5 Bait

  • Companions: 3 Hunting companions of choice (Hound, Golden Eagle, Wolf, Coyote, or Porcupine)

  • Event Entry may double as a hunting training image for the pony depicted.

2nd Place Prizes:

  • 10,000 Valyut

  • 1,000 Karma

  • 2 Speed Stat Tokens

  • 2 Vitality Stat Tokens

  • Rider Gear: x 1 Flintlock Rifle, x1 Weak Trap

  • One Time Use Items: x3 Cervidae Calls, x3 Bird Calls, x3 Bait

  • Companions: 2 Hunting companions of choice (Hound, Golden Eagle, Wolf, Coyote, or Porcupine)

  • Event Entry may double as a hunting training image for the pony depicted.

3rd Place Prizes:

  • 5,000 Valyut

  • 500 Karma

  • 1 Speed Stat Tokens

  • 1 Vitality Stat Tokens

  • Rider Gear: x 1 Flintlock Rifle

  • One Time Use Items: x1 Cervidae Call, x1 Bird Call, x1 Bait

  • Companion: 1 Hunting companions of choice (Hound, Golden Eagle, Wolf, Coyote, or Porcupine)

  • Event Entry may double as a hunting training image for the pony depicted.



Qadan's scouting challenge is what it sounds like, a challenge. He spent the previous day setting up numerous baskets with small painted stones across the Mastay peninsula, and has prepared nearly identical maps to hand out to each participant marking the baskets locations. Each colored stone has a point value, the more complex baskets to find the higher the point value. The higher total of points a riders return with the higher their rankings.

Task: Depict your Rider and their pony tackling the course Qadan has set out for them, did they stick to the easier destinations to visit or did they attempt some of the more difficult destinations

Setting: After being provided with a map, your rider must collect items from the locations indicated on the map to bring back as proof. Some locations will be marked as being optional due to how difficult they are to reach, especially because of how slippery certain areas have become after yesterday's rain.

Weather: Cloudy first half of day, sun peeking through second half

Event tack/gear Bonuses:

  • Saddlebags - +5 Score to any group sponsored event involving scouting.

Submit Entries for Orienteering Here

1st Place Prizes:

  • Musafir EV 077

  • 15,000 Valyut

  • 2,000 Karma

  • 2 Agility Stat Tokens

  • 2 Stamina Stat Tokens

  • Rider Gear: x 1 Compass, x1 Hand Drawn Map, x1 Saddle Bags

  • One Time Use Items: x5 Telescopes, x5 Herbal Brews

  • Companions: 3 scouting companions of choice (Prairie Dog, Bear, White Tail Deer)

  • Event Entry may double as a scouting training image for the pony depicted.

2nd Place Prizes:

  • 10,000 Valyut

  • 1,000 Karma

  • 2 Agility Stat Tokens

  • 2 Stamina Stat Tokens

  • Rider Gear: x 1 Compass, x1 Hand Drawn Map

  • One Time Use Items: x3 Telescopes, x3 Herbal Brews

  • Companions: 2 scouting companions of choice (Prairie Dog, Bear, White Tail Deer)

  • Event Entry may double as a scouting training image for the pony depicted.

3rd Place Prizes:

  • 5,000 Valyut

  • 500 Karma

  • 1 Agility Stat Tokens

  • 1 Stamina Stat Tokens

  • Rider Gear: x 1 Compass

  • One Time Use Items: x1 Telescopes, x1 Herbal Brews

  • Companions: 1 scouting companions of choice (Prairie Dog, Bear, White Tail Deer)

  • Event Entry may double as a scouting training image for the pony depicted.


Herding Skill Showcase

Just as you arrive, Narcos is rounding up the last herd of livestock. Different wooden pens have been raised on the green fields, suited for what they're trying to keep in. They're filled with species you know from home - chickens, ducks, geese, sheep, cows, chickens, deer, and caribou Narcos begins briefing you on the task at hand - your goal is to get the animals from their original location into a small peon on the other side of the fenced off area. While bringing in dogs to help is not against the rules, neither is hopping off your horse to chase the animals on foot. The only rule is that you may not let go of your pony at any point.

Task: Depict your rider and pony guiding their chosen animals from one side of the field into the designated pen on the other side. Are the animals willing to listen, or are they a bit stubborn? Remember your rider must not let go of their pony at any point during their turn.

Setting: Starting at sunrise and ending at sunset, individuals will be allowed to enter at any time - depending on which animals they want to try herding. The morning will start off with a rather amusing display of herding chickens, ducks, or geese. In the afternoon, your rider may choose to move around sheep and, towards the evening, they will be able to herd fluffy cows, deer, or caribou.

Weather: Clear sky first half, partially cloudy and very windy second half

Event tack/gear Bonuses:

  • Bosal Bridle - +5 Score to any group sponsored event involving rough terrain.

Submit Entries for the Herding Skill Showcase Here

1st Place Prizes:

  • Malchin EV 079

  • 15,000 Valyut

  • 2,000 Karma

  • 2 Intelligence Stat Tokens

  • 2 Agility Stat Tokens

  • Rider Gear: x 1 Herding Staff, x1 Warm Fur Blanket

  • One Time Use Items: x5 Black Coffee, x5 Herding Whistles

  • Companions: 3 Herding companions of choice (Donkey, Sheep Dog, Goat)

  • Event Entry may double as a herding training image for the pony depicted.

2nd Place Prizes:

  • 10,000 Valyut

  • 1,000 Karma

  • 2 Intelligence Stat Tokens

  • 2 Agility Stat Tokens

  • Rider Gear: x 1 Herding Staff, x1 Warm Fur Blanket

  • One Time Use Items: x3 Black Coffee, x3 Herding Whistles

  • Companions: 2 Herding companions of choice (Donkey, Sheep Dog, Goat)

  • Event Entry may double as a herding training image for the pony depicted.

3rd Place Prizes:

  • 5,000 Valyut

  • 500 Karma

  • 1 Intelligence Stat Tokens

  • 1 Agility Stat Tokens

  • Rider Gear: x 1 Herding Staff

  • One Time Use Items: x1 Black Coffee, x1 Herding Whistles

  • Companions: 1 Herding companions of choice (Donkey, Sheep Dog, Goat)

  • Event Entry may double as a herding training image for the pony depicted.


Fishing Tourney

Khenbish has sent the riders participating in the fishing showcase allowing the riders to choose their own location to return with the most impressive catch. The only restriction he has set is that riders must return before sunset for their catch to be submitted for scoring. All fish presented for scoring will be used for the shared meal that night.

Task: Depict your rider and their pony attempting to return the most impressive catch, do they stay along the shoreline, do they attempt to take a boat out to deeper waters, or do they move inland seeking a river. What do they catch? Remember your rider must return before Sunset

Setting: Mastay is full of fantastic areas of fishing, some hidden away and some in plain sight. Your rider may choose any body of water in the area and catch their fish by any means they find appropriate (while cheating is generally frowned upon, you won't be penalized if no one finds out). Try to make sure that your rider accounts for the morning showers in terms of what they wear and try to return safely if they choose the more hidden away locations as the ground might get slippery.

Weather: Light showers and windy in the morning, clear sky and sunny afternoon

Event tack/gear Bonuses:

Submit Entries for the Fishing Tourney Here

1st Place Prizes:

  • Tsever EV 078

  • 15,000 Valyut

  • 2,000 Karma

  • 2 Strength Stat Tokens

  • 2 Intelligence Stat Tokens

  • Rider Gear: x 1 Waterproof Boots, x1 Strong Fishing Net, x1 Simple Fishing Net

  • One Time Use Items: x5 Harpoons, x5 Sink Bait, x5 Fish Bait

  • Companions: 3 Fishing companions of choice (Crab, Koi, Seal, Seagull, Axolotl)

  • Event Entry may double as a fishing training image for the pony depicted.

2nd Place Prizes:

  • 10,000 Valyut

  • 1,000 Karma

  • 2 Strength Stat Tokens

  • 2 Intelligence Stat Tokens

  • Rider Gear: x 1 Waterproof Boots, x1 Woven Trap

  • One Time Use Items: x3 Harpoons, x3 Sink Bait, x3 Fish Bait

  • Companions: 2 Fishing companions of choice (Crab, Koi, Seal, Seagull, Axolotl)

  • Event Entry may double as a Fishing training image for the pony depicted.

3rd Place Prizes:

  • 5,000 Valyut

  • 500 Karma

  • 1 Strength Stat Tokens

  • 1 Intelligence Stat Tokens

  • Rider Gear: x 1 Waterproof Boots

  • One Time Use Items: x1 Harpoons, x1 Sink Bait, x1 Fish Bait

  • Companions: 1 Fishing companions of choice (Crab, Koi, Seal, Seagull, Axolotl)

  • Event Entry may double as a Fishing training image for the pony depicted.


Grange Displays

Bolormaa has requested that all her fellow farmers, young old, beginners, and experts bring their best produce and create a decorative display.

Task: Depict your rider setting up their display, transporting their produce, or showing off their completed display.

Setting: A grassy area below the mountains has been cleared out especially for the displays. Posts sticking out from the ground are scattered all over the place for your riders to leave their horses safely. Regional decorations are hanging from the trees surrounding the field and the place becomes increasingly busy and loud once more farming displays are set up.

Weather: Hot and sunny in the morning, slightly cloudy in the afternoon

Event tack/gear Bonuses:

  • Sturdy Plow - +5 to your entry's score. For this event only

Submit Entries for the Grange Displays Here

1st Place Prizes:

  • Hoarce EV 076

  • 15,000 Valyut

  • 2,000 Karma

  • 2 Vitality Stat Tokens

  • 2 Strength Stat Tokens

  • Rider Gear: x 1 Sturdy Plow, x1 Weak Plow

  • One Time Use Items: x5 Heritage Seeds, x5 Strong Leathers

  • Companions: 3 Farming companions of choice (Highland Cow, Chicken, Pig)

  • Event Entry may double as a Farming training image for the pony depicted.

2nd Place Prizes:

  • 10,000 Valyut

  • 1,000 Karma

  • 2 Vitality Stat Tokens

  • 2 Strength Stat Tokens

  • Rider Gear: x 1 Sturdy Plow, x1 Weak Plow

  • One Time Use Items: x3 Heritage Seeds, x3 Strong Leathers

  • Companions: 2 Farming companions of choice (Highland Cow, Chicken, Pig)

  • Event Entry may double as a Farming training image for the pony depicted.

3rd Place Prizes:

  • 5,000 Valyut

  • 500 Karma

  • 1 Vitality Stat Tokens

  • 1 Strength Stat Tokens

  • Rider Gear: x 1 Sturdy Plow

  • One Time Use Items: x1 Heritage Seeds, x1 Strong Leathers

  • Companions: 1 Farming companions of choice (Highland Cow, Chicken, Pig)

  • Event Entry may double as a Farming training image for the pony depicted.


Relay Races

Due to the large amount of entrants for the racing event Enkhtuya moved the racing event to the last day of the festival. On announcement of the movement of the event she announced that she has created teams containing 4 rider and horse pairs to participate in a race where each horse and pony completes 1 lap around the track before passing off a small staff to the next rider and pony pair. Each team has been given a small amount of time to practice the unusual style of race.

Task: Depict your rider and their pony partaking in this unusual style of race. You are not required to depict your riders teammates. Remember your rider may not fall off their horse or dismount before the baton has been passed to the next rider.

Setting: The early morning storm created less than ideal conditions for the races which are held in the same place as the rabbit hunt a few days earlier. The plains are surrounded by steep mountains with a sharp drop down on one side that should be avoided at all costs during the race to keep all the horses and riders safe. Rabbits will periodically race across the plains from the trembling of the ground. The riders are given a large 'baton' to pass on to the next rider in line. Disqualifications include falling off the horse, dismounting before the baton has been passed to the next rider, and the next rider moving past the designated line marked with red paint before receiving their baton.

Weather: Heavy storm early morning, clear sky in the afternoon

Event tack/gear Bonuses:

Submit Entries for the Relay Races here

1st Place Prizes:

  • Mogoi EV 080

  • 15,000 Valyut

  • 2,000 Karma

  • 2 Speed Stat Tokens

  • 2 Stamina Stat Tokens

  • x1 1st place Trophy, x1 Light Saddle, x1 Large Valyut Purse

  • Companions: 3 Racing companions of choice (Hare, Greyhound, Cheetah, Springbok)

  • Event Entry may double as a racing training image for the pony depicted.

2nd Place Prizes:

  • 10,000 Valyut

  • 1,000 Karma

  • 2 Speed Stat Tokens

  • 2 Stamina Stat Tokens

  • x1 2nd place Trophy, x1 Light Saddle, x1 Small Valyut Purse

  • Companions: 2 Racing companions of choice (Hare, Greyhound, Cheetah, Springbok)

  • Event Entry may double as a racing training image for the pony depicted.

3rd Place Prizes:

  • 5,000 Valyut

  • 500 Karma

  • 1 Speed Stat Tokens

  • 1 Stamina Stat Tokens

  • x1 3rd place Trophy, x1 Light Saddle, x1 Small Valyut Purse

  • Companions: 1 Racing companions of choice (Hare, Greyhound, Cheetah, Springbok)

  • Event Entry may double as a racing training image for the pony depicted.