The Black Market is a platform for players to obtain rare and excellent Jibitas otherwise unobtainable in the game, through USD. As uncertain and changing as the desert dunes in which it resides, the Black Market opens and closes at random.
Black Market semi customs will always be available when the Market is open, and occasionally there will be pre-designed sales and draw-to-adopt events.
The Merchants have left, this market is now closed.
Black Market Predesigns
Each predesign is $150, The new owners will be able to decide the horses gender and height at the time of purchase.
This set of predesigns are raffle to purchase, you may enter for all of them but will only be able to win 1 at that time.
The entry period for the raffle to purchase will end 6PM CST 10/23/2022
If there are any horses remaining after the raffle period closes, there will be a new comment thread where all of the remaining horses will be available on first come first serve basis with no limits per user.
Semi-Customs & Upgrades
Rare semis may have a single common gene, uncommon gene or mutation upgrade applied.
Mutations semis may have a single common, uncommon or rare gene upgrade applied.
Black Market semis may not be upgraded.
Dilution genes count as common genes. Common genes may be dominant. Dominant common genes count as 2 genes.
Semi Custom
Semi Custom
Black Market Starter Slot Tokens
Purchases limited to 4 per person.
Starter slot breedings cannot fail.